Fluffy socks - Peter parker

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Summary: imagine taking peters favourite fluffy socks

Summary: imagine taking peters favourite fluffy socks

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(Shorts underneath)

I had slept over at my boyfriend peters place the previous night

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I had slept over at my boyfriend peters place the previous night. Well not his place, the avengers tower seen as we wanted a sleepover this Saturday but Peter stays at the tower on the weekends so I just stayed over with him there

The team was fine about it because they already knew me from all the times me and Peter would hang out with them when they're not in missions or when I would see them whilst me and Peter were studying at the tower so we all got along well

I was having a nice sleep


Until Peter decided to move

"What are you doing?" I mumble incoherently to him

"I was checking the time" he says, his voice sounding wide awake

"How long have you been awake for?"

"30 minutes" I smile slightly at that knowing he's stayed with me since then. I shuffle the impossible distance closer sighing in content at his body heat

"S' warm" I say into his chest.

"You need breakfast" he answers back

"In a minute" he moves out of his embrace leaving me next to the now empty space

"Come on, I will make you a fruit bowl" I sit up in the bed and hold my hand out for him to take, which he does, and pulls me up off the bed
"Thanks" he walks over to his drawers and takes out some trousers and while he's putting them on I go in the sock one and take out his fluffy socks and slip them on my feet. Going unnoticed by Peter I walk to the door watching as he stands up with his trousers now on

"Hm, these fluffy socks feel great" his eyes snapped to me at my words and he looked to me. Taking in me in his socks with them bundled up at the top cause we have different feet size

"My socks!" He screeches. His mouth was agape, as well as his eyes in shock. He rushes out of his place on the other side of the room and I quickly open the door rushing out and down the halls to the kitchen

Once I'm in the common area I take in all the avengers around the kitchen part so I rush down behind the counter and pull my finger to my lips signalling them to act like I'm not there and seconds later I can hear the soft padding of Peter running...

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Once I'm in the common area I take in all the avengers around the kitchen part so I rush down behind the counter and pull my finger to my lips signalling them to act like I'm not there and seconds later I can hear the soft padding of Peter running in normal socks

"Have you seen rose?" I hear Peter

"I saw her run in the direction of the training room" I hear tony lie easily. After that was said I hear peter rush to where that is and I get up

"Hey guys" I smile going around and hugging them all

"Well are you gonna tell us what you did?" Natasha asks with a small smile

"I didn't do anything" a few roll their eyes

"I swear I didn't"

"I knew it!" I screeched at the sound of Peters voice and walked around the kitchen counter while we circle it. When I get closer to the door I run out of it making my way to the stairs.

Once I get there i rush up the stairs to another level and run to the next stairwell before running back to to the floor we started in.

He was gaining on me right on my tail and as I tried to run into the kitchen he tackled me on the sofa with me below him

"You think that's funny?" I shrug my shoulders with a smile and hold my covered foot up

"Feels warm. Thanks for sharing" he squints his eyes in a playful glare before moving his hands to my side and ticking me

"Peter!" I laugh trying to move his arms away. He carries on not listening
"Peter I'm sorry! Have mercy!" I joke
"Okay! Have them back" he still doesn't let me go

"Say 'peters the most handsomest man ever'" I laugh both at what he said and the fact he won't stop ticking me

"Peter...smells" I gasp out in laughter as he tickles me harder

"Okay! Peters the most handsomest man ever!" I give in and he lets me go with a triumphant smile on his lips

"I knew it"

"Dork" I mumble trying to catch my breath

"You love it really"

"Yeah.. I guess I do" he dips his head down and runs his thumb over my cheek before kissing me. My hand runs up to the back of his head and goes up to his hair

"Okay! Enough!" We both look to the side to see the whole, avengers who I'm guessing was watching, staring at us. All with different looks: some disgust, happy or proud expressions on their faces

"Fruit bowl?" He rolls his eyes getting up and helping me

"Fruit bowl" he confirms kissing the side of my head

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