Anxiety - paul lahote

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Summary: imagine having a anxiety attack and your imprint helps you

Tw: anxiety, anxiety attack

Tw: anxiety, anxiety attack

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I walked around the hallways of the school trying to find Paul

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I walked around the hallways of the school trying to find Paul. He wasn't where he said he would meet me so i decided to look around the school for him in case he had to talk to someone after class. Now I'm realising how terrible of an idea it was as I feel like I can barely breathe.

It felt like everyone in the hallways were watching me and I couldn't help the thoughts that were giving me reasons to why

They're looking because you look like trash

It's cause they don't like you

You don't fit with Paul

He's pity dating you and everyone knows it

The last one felt like a stab to my chest and I found myself opening an empty classroom and curling in on myself in there

Paul's POV

Me and the Jared we're waiting around my locker for Millie. It wasn't like her to be late or make us wait here ages for us so I had a feeling there was something I didn't know happening. Jared looked to me with a shrug and I frowned and that's when I heard it. With my wolf hearing i could hear every heartbeat in the hallway but they were so faint but this one stood out. It was significantly louder than the rest and was going at a much faster rate

"Do you hear that?" I asked Jared. He used his wolf hearing not coming back with anything

"No? What is it?"

"A loud and fast heartbeat" I thought for a second wondering why I could hear it but Jared couldn't and that's when it hit me

"Millie!" I ran away from the lockers and Jared trying to follow the heartbeat through the crowded halls.

Eventually the heartbeat was closer and I looked in the classrooms for her

Millies POV

I put my head in my knees and tried to take as many deep breaths as I could but It didn't work. I whimpered feeling a tightness in my chest and tears running down my cheeks. I heard a door open but my mind barely registered anything at that moment

"Millie!" I looked up through my blurry eyes and saw Paul crouched in front of me

"Paul" I gasped out. My hand reached out and grasped onto his shirt in a pleading manner

"Millie you got to listen to me!" I sobbed trying to catch my breath and I put my head on his chest trying to calm down
"Millie please. You need to calm down and breathe" he put my head in his hands and moved my head off his chest to look into his eyes

"Paul I can't- I- it's not working" i Heave out between breaths

"Millie. Please just listen to me. Take a deep breath" i tried to breathe in but it was just staggered breaths
"Baby it's okay, try again" this time when I breathed in it was more easier
"Good baby, your doing so well. Now exhale" I parted my lips letting the air escape my body
"Okay, you can do this. Again" he was breathing in with me to help guide me through the steps with him

"Thank you, Paul thank you" I wrapped my arms around his waist after calming down and he held me tight against his body

"It's okay, your okay babe" I let go of him and looked up to him. He noticed the tears falling down my cheeks and moved them away softly

"Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you" he brought his face close to me and brushes his lips against mine

"I'm glad you will never have to be without me then"

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