Still my stefan - Stefan salvatore

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Summary: imagine finding out Stefan was a vampire

Me and Stefan were in my room watching something on my bed with my head on his chest, me curled up to his side that's facing the ceiling and his arm thrown protectively over me when all of a sudden Stefan started breathing quickly

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Me and Stefan were in my room watching something on my bed with my head on his chest, me curled up to his side that's facing the ceiling and his arm thrown protectively over me when all of a sudden Stefan started breathing quickly

"Stefan?" I put his face it my hands
"Are you okay?" he nodded clenching his jaw

"Can you shut the window?" I got of my seat and shut the window but as I turned around I saw dark veins disappearing under Stefan's eyes

"What the-" I moved away from him

"Nova, don't be scared" he stayed seated on the bed

"What's going on Stefan?"

"I have something I have to tell you" i nod

"Okay, you can tell me" I say softly

"Me and my brother Damon. We're not. Human. Well we was over 100 years ago but we got turned and now we're vampires. The reason my eyes went like that is because someone outside was bleeding and I smelt it"

"Vampires?" I ask confused. He slowly gets out of his seat and walks over to me


"That's- that's a myth Stefan. It's not real" he runs across the room and runs back in a split second

"Oh my gosh, your telling the truth" I breathe out in shock
"Are you frightened?" He asks softly I shake my head

He's still Stefan

"I-I'm not" I go and sit on the bed and I pat the spot in front of me so Stefan can sit down too
"Do you have any other special things you can do?" He chuckles
"Strength, our blood can heal people. So if you got cut and you drank my blood then it would heal. We can also compel people" my eyes widen

"Like get them to do what you want?"

"Yeah exactly. I could make them forget things. Feel certain things" he explains

"Have you ever done that to me?" I mumble wanting to know if he's ever made me do something I didn't want to

Or made me feel certain things

"No. No, never I couldn't even if I wanted to. That present I got you, the bracelet stops any vampire from trying to compel you because there's vervain in it" I look down at the bracelet

"So everything I feel for you...?" I start

"Isn't from me, its from you" he moves forward and kisses me until my backs on the bed and he's hovering over me

"Do you view me differently?" I open my eyes to see the pain in his eyes and I bring my lips forward to kiss him again

"No, your still my Stefan"

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