2. Wonder Waves

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Rieka walked back to her two partners, "The two girls said they saw a boat this morning a few miles out. When I asked if they knew where the boat could have come from, they mentioned a private sailing club but couldn't remember the name."  Johnson's cell phone rang and he spoke briefly with whoever called then smiled at them. 

"We got a hit off the fingerprints!" Johnson said hanging up the phone, "Our vic was Daniel Wong, 26 years old and, get this- he's a Night manager at Wonder Waves Sailing Club which is a private sailing club up near the Santa Cruz Harbor. And it get's better- he was brought in a few years ago for trying to bribe an officer to get out of a speeding ticket." 

"Great! Let's pay this Sailing club a visit then." Rieka smirked.  

"Seriously, HOW does she do that?" Patrovsky muttered to Johnson, "I mean seriously, we had NOTHING, then a tiny, far fetched idea comes out of nowhere with the little to no information from our two surfer teens, and BAM! we have our first solid lead..."

Rieka grinned to herself, "It's all about the questions you ask gents... Now Johnson, you come with me.  Patrovsky, check our vic's social media for anything out of the ordinary and notify next of kin. We gotta go see what Mr. Wong's employer has to say."

"You got it boss."

Rieka and Johnson grabbed their badges and guns and headed to their car. 

The drive to the Harbor was uneventful.  As the buildings passed by, Rayna grumbled in the back of Rieka's mind. It had been far too long since she was allowed out for a run.  It was the one thing she missed about the pack lands where her parents and brother lived. Acres and Acres of open forest without a human in sight.  Plenty of space to run and chase random critters. 

It had been a hard decision for Rieka to leave the Pack and the safe familiarity of the Pack Lands.  She was technically a rogue.  No allegiance to any pack and worked outside the red tape that pack politics create.  She was supposed to have been the Alpha after her father retired- She was the first born and when she shifted for the first time at 13 years old and her beautiful wings sprouted from Rayna's back it caused more than a little drama.  

Many wolves feared her.  She was the only one of her kind- a Winged Wolf.  A predator unlike anyone else.  An Alpha female that was just as deadly in the air as she was on land.  Her mother Raziel was an archangel, and immediately started to train Rieka in aerial combat.  When she turned twenty she decided that she brought more danger to the pack by staying, so she declared herself a rogue and cut ties with her pack and her family. 

Rieka smiled to herself reminiscing about her family. She missed them.  "I miss them too." Rayna said softly. 

"You good Stephens?" Johnson asked, bringing her attention back to her partner.  

"Yeah. I'm good." 

"Good. Because we're here."

They pulled into the Sailing club and parked. It was a beautiful white building that screamed ritzy.  Gold accents and bold royal blue carpets over marble floors.  A custom chandelier light that looked like abstract waves hung over the reception desk which had tasteful coastal themed luxe décor.

A pretty blonde receptionist named Brittany stood behind the counter and greeted them with a smile. "Hello! Welcome to Wonder Waves Sailing Club. Are you here to sign up for membership?"

"Unfortunately not ma'am" Johnson turned up the charm and flashed his badge and his award winning smile, "I'm Detective Johnson, this is Detective Stephens, we were wondering if we could speak with the manager on duty please."

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