15. Calling the Mermaids

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The steaming hot water was a welcome change from the sticky blood and sweat. As Rieka let the water wash away the last remaining traces of the encounter with Catlia this morning, her mind kept wandering back to Pierce. 

Why would he take a blow for her? They barely knew each other and historically jaguars and wolves haven't really had a great relationship.  Granted, it wouldn't have been so fatal for Rieka due to her fast angel reflexes and her magic bodysuit, but Pierce wouldn't have known about that- hence the heroic save. 

Rieka sighed as she washed the conditioner out of her hair- her true nature was out in the open now, something she hoped to avoid. 

Turning off the water, she grabbed the large red towel Georgia had set out for her and dried off.  As she was squeezing the last bits of excess water from her hair, she noticed some underwear and a halter top sundress on the bathroom counter for her with a note: Sorry this is all I had that would fit you and be presentable for contacting the ambassador in. -G

Rieka smiled. Georgia thought of everything. When this was all over Rieka knew she would have to pay her back big time. 

Rieka pulled the sundress over her head and tied the top around her neck.  She found a spare brush and ran it through her long damp hair then used her hair tie from that morning to fasten her hair into a faux hawk style braid.

When Rieka came down the stairs to the kitchen, Georgia already had sandwiches, fruit and lemonade ready on the counter. She was now filling a large bowl with tap water. 

"Feel better Ri?" Georgia asked as she stopped the water and lugged the large bowl to the living room. 

"Much better thanks." 

"Good! Lets get this mermaid thing over with shall we?" Georgia huffed as she sat the large water laden bowl in the middle of a circle of candles she had set out on the floor. Between the bowl and the circle of candles, there were seven items relating to the seas: A bowl of ice cubes, a small piece of driftwood, shells, a sea turtle shell, sand dollars, seaweed, and a small whale totem carved of whale bone.

Georgia lit the candles and motioned Rieka to stand next to her. Once they were in place, Georgia took a long prong that looked like a sharp pointed knitting needle embellished with visuals of crashing waves and a mermaid on the top and pricked her finger. She added a few drops of her blood into the bowl and started the incantation: 

"Powers of the North Wind, Carry my Voice

Currents of the Deep, Deliver My Tidings

My Blood Made Pure By these tokens of the Seas

To the Mer Folk, In their Deep Realm I Seek

An Audience with He who for them Speaks"

The water swirled with her blood and the candle flames grew in length. A bright light shone from the water and in a few moments the water morphed and raised out of the bowl into the shape of a masculine figure.  He had long hair that seemed to float on it's own with a circlet on his head.  

"Ambassador Nereus. Thank you for answering my summons." Georgia said formally. 

"What would be so urgent that a blood witch summons us in this way?" Nereus asked coldly.

"She did so at my request." Rieka stepped forward, "I am Rogue Alpha Rieka Stephens. I work with humans in our local police department. We were investigating the mysterious deaths of two humans with markers indicating they were attacked by sirens-" 

"And what would the death of two humans warrant such an intrusion?" Nereus interrupted.

Rieka kept her composure even though Rayna was trying to take control and show that merman who he was being so rude to, "Because this morning we found the body of a young mermaid in her human form on the beach- also dead of the same markings as the others.  We believe there is a siren or group of sirens that are starting to kill in order to evoke some response from the supernatural community. We wanted to inform you of the death so you could let the family know where to find and collect the body."

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