19. Bonds

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"What?!" Georgia took a big step back.  Rieka put a hand on Damian's shoulder, "Are you positive?" 

Damian growled in warning, "Of course I'm sure! It's taking everything I have to keep Arcon from shifting." 

Georgia looked from Rieka to Damian, "Uh, what? Who is Arcon?"

Rieka looked at Damian, "I'll explain it to her okay? She's familiar with werewolves but not everything. Just take a breath and go help the wounded. You have responsibilities so your personal life will have to wait."

Damian looked at Rieka and sighed, "You're right. I'll see you both later." 

Pierce took Damian back over to the wounded and they both got back to work. 

Georgia looked at Rieka, "So are you going to tell me what the hell just happened?"

Rieka sighed and rubbed the back of her neck, "Um. Yeah. So...werewolves are one of the supernatural races that are blessed with mates, basically a goddess given soulmate. We don't know who they are until we meet them sometime after we turn 18.  Our goddess Selene makes mates to help  us reach our greatest potential. We're stronger once we find our mates and we would do anything to protect them and love them until our final breath.  Apparently, you're Damian's mate. And Arcon is the name of Damian's wolf. Our wolves are who recognize our mates when we meet them." 

Georgia silently contemplated Rieka's words for a few moments, then grinned mischievously, "I mean he is pretty hot, but just because I'm his goddess given soulmate doesn't mean he can just whisk me off my feet. He's going to have to work for me." 

Rieka laughed, "I would expect nothing less. I'll kick his ass like when we were kids. Let's see where you're needed."  Rieka took Georgia over to Dr. Peters, the head of the Hospital and introduced her.  He immediately put her to work on some of the cases that needed more attention.  

With that settled, Rieka set to work with Mrs. O'Malley and the omegas bringing food and water to all the pack members and their families and getting other supplies together. 

Everyone else spent the day cleaning up and getting as many of the Nocturnal Eclipse pack members back into their homes as possible. Only a few homes were destroyed and other pack members took in the ones without a place to stay until they could be rebuilt. It was going to take some time getting everything back to the way it was, but they made a pretty good start.

By the end of the day everyone was exhausted and ready for some rest. Rieka went to her father's office and saw him and Jason looking over initial property damage reports. "How's it looking guys?"

They both looked up at Rieka as she walked in and sat on one of the chairs, "Not as bad as I was expecting for a surprise attack. All the training Jason has been doing with the warriors has really paid off."

Rieka hung her head, "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have involved you in this."

"It's not your fault Ri." Jason said sitting beside her, "besides, based on our intel, the murder that you were supposed to look into on our lands didn't happen because of you. It looks like we were just next on the list. We would've been pulled in anyway."

Alpha Randolf nodded, "He's right honey. If you weren't here things would've been a lot worse. It worked out better this way because at least we can fight this thing together. We can pull support from other packs and possibly other supernaturals and create a formidable force. You've already created quite the pack yourself."

"That wasn't the plan," Rieka sighed, "I never wanted to create a pack! I just saw the opportunity to have more help in this war and I took it. I don't know if I can lead these people."

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