31. Interrogation

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The next morning Rieka was visited by the doctor who, after checking her over, cleared her to be released.  A few minutes later, Amanda came into the room with a bag of clothes, shoes and a hair brush, "Look at you all healed up!" 

Rieka smiled, "Still a bit stiff, but grateful to you for all your support." Amanda smiled brightly at the compliment, "It was my honor Alpha. What's next for you now that the immediate threat has been neutralized?" 

"Most likely take a few days to set up my base. My people need a safe place to operate from." 

Amanda nodded, "That sounds wise. With all that's going on in the world, your people have to be a priority."  Rieka smiled as she took the clothes out of the bag, "I couldn't have said it better!"

"Well, I best be off to my other patients. Please take care of yourself Alpha." Amanda lowered her head out of respect and left the room.  

Rieka changed into her clothes and was just pulling her brown hair into a messy bun when Jason and Pierce arrived at her door. Jason gave her a warm hug, "We're here to spring you from this place!" 

Rieka chuckled, "I am definitely ready to get out into the sun a bit."  Pierce gave her a hug as well, "Well, unfortunately Little Wolf, we need you to come with us for a moment before we set you loose completely." 

They all walked out of the pack hospital together and Rieka took a deep breath of fresh air scented heavily of evergreen trees from the surrounding forest.  She took a brief moment to feel the soft warmth of the sun on her face before turning back to the guys, "Okay, I'm good now. So, where are we headed?" 

Jason's smile faded, "To the cells. Dad is talking to Dylan and Savannah. He wants us there for the interrogation." 

Jason led the way through the town to a small path that led into the forest. About twenty yards down the path was a cement structure that looked similar to a bunker. Two guards were outside the double steel doors and unlocked the biometric lock when they arrived. 

They all walked in silence down the dank, dimly lit stairs to a long hallway. Empty cells lined the walls until they reached the metal door at the end of the hall. Jason put in the passcode and they heard the clunk as the door unlocked and allowed them entrance to the hallway beyond. 

A few more cells similar to the previous hallway took up the first half of the hallway, while further down, Alpha Randolf, Beta Lucas, Raziel, Georgia and a few guards stood in front of an area that had a few interrogation rooms that looked like the ones back at the precinct- with the addition of silver shackles for both the hands and feet. 

In the left room was Dylan, seated facing the door and window that showed the hallway. He was shackled to the floor beneath his chair and was also chained around his neck to the wall behind him for extra security. Across the hall from him in the opposite interrogation room was Savannah. She was secured in a similar fashion, and still had the barbed neck protection on to discourage her from singing. Savannah's eyes drooped as if she was slightly drugged. It makes sense that a sedative would be given to further prevent any singing, but Rieka still didn't like to see either of them in this situation. 

Alpha Randolf turned towards them as they approached and met them halfway, giving Rieka a gentle hug, "Ri! I'm so glad to see you up and about. You had us all worried." Rieka pulled away tenderly, "Thanks Dad. I'm certainly glad to be out of the hospital, but this isn't exactly an easy situation. What have they said so far?"

"Not much." Alpha Randolf sighed, "Dylan continues to say that when he met Savannah and found out she was his mate, that he believed her when she said they weren't going to cause any harm to the pack. He claims she just wanted generic information about our town, what he liked about pack life and his thoughts on the pack leaders- namely myself, Lucas, Jason, O'Malley and the skills of the warriors. Nothing to suggest a threat or attack.  He says she told him that the sirens were trying to leave an oppressive leader and were looking into packs so they could form alliances with or help them integrate after the conflict." 

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