41. Gunsmoke

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"We're compromised! Get to cover!" Rieka yelled as she jumped in front of the squad, laying down covering fire to buy her squad time to find cover. 

"Alpha! What's going on?!" Ryan's voice came over the comms. 

"We've been seen. Hold your position for now. I want them to think we're only over here. How long until our eyes on the roof?" Rieka replied. Her team had spread out and found cover behind various trees and around the corner of the building. 

"Getting in position now Alpha squad," Came the reply from the team on the roof.

Two of Rieka's squad got hit- one in the arm and the other in the shoulder. Their squad mates pulled them out of harms way. That left five including Rieka still able to shoot on Alpha squad. Finally, bullets started to rain down from the roof top, giving Rieka's team much needed time to regroup. 

She looked at her squad, "I'm going to flank them around the truck. I need you all to stay here and work with the rooftop team and keep them in a crossfire pattern. Hitting them on two sides will force them to keep attention on you all so I can go around." 

"Roger that." Her squad resituated themselves to give Rieka cover fire. 

Rieka took the opportunity to speed over to  the front of the truck which protected her from the shooters hiding in and around the back cargo area. She re-loaded her gun and started sneaking along the far side of the truck towards the back.

On her headset Rieka heard, "Roof top to Sergeant. Please advise, patrol car is pulling up into the parking lot. Repeat. Patrol car is pulling in."  Rieka stopped to listen and think. Who could be pulling in? She hadn't asked for anyone to come back her up that wasn't here already. 

Then, a familiar voice echoed across the way, "Stop! Stand down! Stand down!" Johnson comes storming down towards the truck with Patrovsky running to catch up with his partner. 

Johnson recklessly ducked and put himself in front of the truck while holding his badge above his head, forcing the SWAT team to stop firing. Brittany's goons followed suit, keeping their guns aimed, but they were no longer firing.

Johnson hadn't seen Rieka when he approached, so she silently moved behind the smugglers while they were distracted.

Johnson turned to face Brittany, "Babe. Come on. Let's get you out of here."

Brittany walked calmly up to Johnson and gently put her dainty hand on his face, "I'm sorry. I can't go with you. I have important things to do, and unfortunately, now you're in my way."

Quick as a flash, Brittany reached up and pulled Johnson down, kneed him in the face, and threw him towards the docks. Johnson started to struggle to fight back, blood running from his nose. Brittany grabbed the hidden necklace and spoke softly. The necklace started to glow and Johnson immediately calmed down. Brittany handcuffed him and pushed Johnson towards the boat before looking back at her goons, "Finish this. NOW." 

The men howled and opened fire on the SWAT squads. One of them started to shift into his wolf. Immediately, an unnatural fog quickly enveloped the area. Rieka smiled- Georgia was evening the playing field.

The wolf was a shabby gray and started to charge at the squad on the ground. He knocked one back and threw a second one. Screams could be heard through the fog. Rieka used her angelic speed to find the wolf and shove him into the stone gate. The wolf growled and bared its fangs. 

Rieka's eyes turned white as Rayna came up just below the surface to meet the challenge head on. Rieka holstered her gun and pulled out her angel blades. Before Rieka could strike, she noticed the golden glow around the wolf's neck just like Johnson. 

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