36. Discovery

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They reached the precinct in record time.  Georgia gave her friend a hug before heading down to the morgue, Rieka hurried into the familiar bull pen of the precinct. 

Phones ringing, computer keyboards clickety clacking; the police station was a buzz with various officers, perps, and civilians all working in a sort of functional dysfunction. Rieka smiled to herself as she crossed the desks towards the captain's office. She had missed the hustle and bustle that comes with being a detective in a big city. 

She knocked on the door frame of the captain office and Captain Trudeaux smiled as he waved Rieka to come in, "Stephens! Welcome back! What news do you have for me?"

"I stopped by the mansion scene this morning and Patrovsky and Johnson got me fairly up to speed.  They are compiling all the data and forwarding it to me shortly.  As far as my other case, the body up in the small city is exactly the same as the ones here.  The wounds seem to be a little smaller, but otherwise, the exact same. If it's okay with you, I'd like to revisit the info we've uncovered already here in the city. I think I'll be able to follow better leads here. I'll head up there as I need, but I think I can handle this part in the city. It seems to be the main hub of activity." 

Captain Trudeaux nodded, "Okay. I trust your judgment. Will you be able to handle both assignments? I can take you off the mansion if you need..."

"No! I will have Patrovsky and Johnson helping me with the mansion, so I am confident I can juggle my time with both." Rieka quickly said.  The captain looked at her questioningly for a moment before he shrugged, "Okay then. Let me know what you need. Both of these are pretty brutal killings. The powers that be are growing restless. We need answers ASAP." 

Rieka nodded as she stood, "Understood sir. We'll do our best. Did you need anything else sir?" 

"Nope, you're dismissed Stephens."  

"Thank you sir." Rieka left the captain's office, grabbed herself a cup of coffee before sitting at her desk for a few hours to go over the details from the sailing club murders. She was so engrossed in her work, she didn't notice someone approaching her until they sat on her desk. Rieka looked up annoyed, but changed her mind when she looked into the golden orbs of Pierce, "What are you doing here?!"

Pierce smiled, "Wanted to check in on my favorite detective and maybe steal you for lunch?" 

Rieka checked her computer, "Oh! It's 1pm.. yeah I guess I should eat something! Would you be willing to go to the side of town by the docks for lunch? I know it's not really fancy, but I have some things I gotta look into down there. I could use another pair of eyes." 

"Whatever you need Detective." Pierce stood and waited for Rieka to gather up her files and supplies before walking out to Rieka's car. 

As they were getting their seatbelts buckled, Johnson came up to the front of the precinct hand in hand with Brittany. Rieka watched as Johnson pulled her close, her back to Rieka, and kissed her. Brittany pulled on a simple chain necklace that was hidden under his uniform and used it to pull him in for another kiss before tucking in back under his uniform. He smiled brightly at her then tore himself away, with great effort, and went into the precinct. 

Brittany pulled her blonde hair into a high ponytail and got into a little blue Prius. Rieka got Pierce's attention, "Hey, quick detour. We're going to follow that blue Prius."  Pierce looked at her confused, "Um. Okay.. but why?"

"The woman driving it is an employee at the sailing club where we found the first two bodies. Recently she's taken a special interest in one of my partners and they've both been acting.. off. I need to know why."

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