44. Death Song Pt 1

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Rieka smirked at Ligiea. Rieka knew she needed the siren army and it's leader to pay attention to her while Pierce and his Nightmares do what they do best- sneak behind enemy lines.

Ligiea was intimidating in her true form; Standing at about eight feet tall with her 20 foot long caramel colored wings and talons big enough to grab a human or a wolf and tear them to shreds.

Rieka called up, "So. You have two of my people. I want them back. You can give them to me now and we'll walk away. No blood needs to be spilled on your side or mine today. They aren't doing you any good, so keeping them is only inconveniencing you. Besides, I'm sure you have some evil lair to get back to." 

Ligiea chuckled, "You're so naïve. Do you honestly think I would just hand them over?" 

"Honestly, yeah," Rieka grinned, "I know you know enough about me and what I've been doing lately. I wiped the floor with your succubus friend and barely lifted a paw."

Ligiea waved her hand in the air as if to wave off an annoying fly, "It's because she is stupid, cocky and cares only about herself. She fails to see the bigger picture which will always cause her to fail." 

"And you see the bigger picture?" Rieka crossed her arms.

"Of course. I fight for my people. I will save them from their own self inflicted oppression by my sister the empress and those like her that believe we are monsters to be hidden from the world. I see us as the the goddesses we are. We are powerful, beautiful and we deserve our seat at the table- unafraid of humans or any other creature. Free to partake in the spoils of this world as you all have done. And I'm not the only one that believes that." With a wave of her hand, a small army of about a hundred sirens led by Brittany, along with about sixty wolves, thirty werebears, and about ten lycans emerged from the doors of the estate. 

Charlie and Jimmy tensed as the enemy army spread out in front of the estate. 

"Well, on paper you sound like a real Miss America. But this-" Rieka motioned to the army in front of her, "Definitely screams more mafia to me. Lucky for me, wolves never take on prey alone." 

On cue, Rieka's wolves emerged from the woods behind her, snarling and teeth bared. 

Ligiea laughed, "Is that all you brought with you? We have you outnumbered about 4 to 1."

Rieka shrugged, "I'm more about quality over quantity."

"We'll see how smug you are when your precious pups are begging for their lives. Kill them."

At Legiea's command, her army rushed forward. Immediately, Rieka's pack leapt into action. ten of her wolves, five on each side, broke away from the main group and spread out on either side of the army causing some of Ligiea's army to break off and follow them. Rieka's wolves led them to the stone walls on either side and put their backs to it in a semi circle, making a small area from which their attackers could get at them- effectively making it to where the attackers could only attack a few at a time instead of overwhelming them. 

The rest of Rieka's pack stood their ground, making a crescent moon shaped position in front of Rieka, Charlie and Jimmy who stood behind the crescent with guns and silver bullets, taking out targets from a distance. 

One lycan leapt over the line towards Jimmy, but before the lycan could make contact, a shot rang out and the lycan fell to the ground, dead. Jimmy looked towards the woods where the shot originated from and Patrovsky saluted from his position behind a specialized hunting rifle, Georgia at his side calling marks. Jimmy nodded his thanks and turned back to fighting. 

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