3. Homecoming

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Within minutes the sailing club was swarmed with police and forensics.  Jack Henries was able to confirm that the body found was indeed Jeremy the security guard. 

Rieka was impressed that Brittany didn't throw up.  Her face was blank as she took in the scene. Death up close isn't something that most can handle the first few times. 

"What could've done this? It's almost like an animal attack. I actually thought that our 1st victim had a bite taken out of him by a sea animal.." Johnson's comment pulled her out of her thoughts, "but this dude was found on land with the same bite mark."

"It's creepier if you ask me," Patrovsky sauntered up, "Although I'm jealous that you two seem to be having all the fun on this one."  

"Finding a mutilated body isn't exactly my idea of fun," Johnson joked.  He stole a glance up at Brittany who gave him a sad smile.. he was so pulled to her.  In a way he couldn't describe. 

"Earth to Johnson.. you still with us buddy?" Rieka poked his shoulder. 

"Huh? oh yeah sorry.  I just feel bad that such nice young lady has to see all this." 

"Nice young lady?" Patrovsky joked, "You do realize that she's technically on our suspect list until we clear up what happened." 

Johnson shot him a dirty look while Rieka jumped in front, "Anyway, Patrovsky. What did you find online about Daniel Wong?"

"Not a whole lot. The dude wasn't on social media much, and what he did have showed nothing out of the ordinary. His browser history was even squeaky clean. A bunch of youtube cat videos, reality tv, a few twitch streamers,...All in all a pretty boring dude. The only remotely scandalous thing was he googled strip clubs around Santa Cruz one time 2 weeks ago." 

"Only once? Shit, that's a weekly search for most men" Johnson laughed. 

"Well once we have access to Jeremy's records we can cross reference their interests and online presence to see if there is any crossover there.  Until then, the only thing that connects them is this place," Patrovsky said gesturing to the club.

"Johnson can you give Patrovsky all the data we got from the security logs so he can get a team on it while you go have another chat with Jack and Brittany and figure out anything they can tell us about Jeremy. Maybe Jeremy is the reason Daniel Wong is dead, not the other way around" Rieka instructed.  "I'm headed over to Georgia to see if this body can tell us anything Daniel's couldn't."

With a nod, the two men went off to get to work.  Rieka took a look over the scene as she walked to Georgia. Something was NOT adding up and it was bothering her.  

"Did you find anything Georgia?" Rieka said kneeling beside her friend.

"The tear marks on the shoulders are worrisome." Georgia replied seriously, "This definitely was an attack of some kind and the attacker had clawlike nails, and definitely something with bigger teeth took the chunk out of his neck.  If our first victim was killed in the same way, and it looks like it is, then they died of blood loss and shock."

"Do you know of anything that is reported to have a scent of leaves, dust or gravel, and salt? I picked up on it when I found Jeremy's body" Rieka asked keeping her voice low.

Georgia furrowed her brow, "Well, we don't have heightened senses of smell like you do.  I haven't heard that description from any other shifter before.  So until I can run some of my more 'specialized' tests I won't have an answer for you." 

"Alright," Rieka sighed, "When can I have those results?" 

"Tomorrow for Victim 1, and at least another day for Victim 2." 

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