6. Return to the Precinct

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As the sun rose over the mountains, the early morning fog started to dissipate and golden rays of sun pierced its way through the clouds and onto the dark forest of the mountains.  Rieka yawned and got up and made her way to the shower and turned on the water to warm up as she brushed her teeth.  She moaned slightly as she stepped in to the now steaming shower. The hot water felt good on her muscles after the night of running and flying she had with Jason. 

After showering and getting dressed, she put on her badge and holster with her pistol, then she walked downstairs to the dining table. 

Her parents were there with Mrs. O'Malley, who had gone above and beyond for breakfast. 

Rieka's mouth watered at the spread before her- Scrambled eggs with cheese and gigantic sides of bacon, sausage links, seasoned potatoes, fresh fruit, cinnamon rolls and hand squeezed orange juice.  Strong coffee was finishing up brewing and Raziel stood up to give Rieka a tight hug as she approached the table. 

"Come and eat. I have some news," Raziel said pulling Rieka over to the table. Alpha Randolf had already put together a heaping plate of food for her and slid it in front of her as she sat at the table. Rieka smiled her thanks then turned to her mother, "What did you find?"

"I reached out to my brothers and sisters, both in the heavenly realm and fallen searching for succubi or incubi sightings in California- and they found some." 

Rieka looked up from her cinnamon roll, "Where?"

Raziel sighed, "My demon brother Botis knows of a Succubus/Incubus den in Santa Cruz. It fronts as a night club with exotic adult VIP rooms that allow them to feed on willing humans freely without killing them. The humans get a night they will never forget, the Succubi and Incubi get fed and they acquire money to help their survivability in the human world. It's called Club Crimson."

"Do you know the name of whoever runs the club?" Rieka asked swallowing a mouthful of potatoes and eggs. 

"A succubus duchess named Catlia.  From my understanding she's the niece of the current Succubi Empress, Risixis the Red, who is the second oldest Daughter of the previous Empress, Irinaya the Bold. Irinaya was the one who made the treaty with the Sirens in the early 1800's. Risixis killed her mother in the 1940's after Irinaya used some of her warriors to infiltrate the allied forces to spy for the Germans.  Apparently Irinaya saw how quickly the Germans were overtaking the rest of the countries and decided to join them to 'preserve their species' after the war ended.  Risixis was against the way the Germans were treating others and saw the danger they posed to her people and other supernaturals if the Germans were to succeed. So she overthrew her mother, sent her older sister into exile for not standing with her and took the throne by force. Apparently there was a lot of blood shed in the civil war- hence the Red in her title." 

Rieka took a swig of her juice, "That's a hell of a story.  She sounds dangerous but for the right reasons at least."

"Who's dangerous?" Jason said coming into the dining room.  He was in workout clothes and was drenched in sweat from morning training.  His best friend and Beta, Damian, following right behind. 

"The current succubi empress. Mom was just telling me how she came to power." Rieka replied eyeing Damian with faint recognition. He was tall, about 6' 3", with toned muscles and fair skin.  He was leaner than most wolves and his reddish brown hair was swept to the side and glistening from sweat. He was shirtless and had toned washboard abs.  

"Damian O'Malley!" Mrs. O'Malley scolded, "How many times do I have to tell you to put some damn clothes on when you come to the table for food! I know I raised you better than that." 

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