49. New Friends

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Pierce paced back and forth at the bottom of the stairs.  Rieka had dinner in her room with Fynn so she could prepare for the challenge. Pierce didn't mind playing host to his dad, but now it was time for the challenge, and he was understandably worried about Rieka's safety.

King Carlos approached Pierce, "Where is your Alpha? I hope she is feeling well enough for the challenge." 

"I'm feeling just fine." Rieka approached the top of the stairs and decked out in her custom made armor, "I'm just hoping you're rested, I won't hold back."

King Carlos grinned approvingly, "Nor would I expect you to Alpha. I'll see you out at the training grounds."

He left and Pierce nodded to Rieka, "You definitely look ready for a battle." 

"I am. I've had a lot of help from my closest friends." Rieka smiled and turned to Fynn, "Go ahead, I have one more thing I need before I go out there."  Fynn looked from Rieka to Pierce, then nodded once before kissing Rieka's hand and leaving towards the training grounds.

Rieka turned to Pierce, "Would you be willing to lend me your strength? I feel almost at full strength, but I believe with yours I will be.  At least for the challenge. Then I'll probably have to go to bed for the night."  Rieka chuckled nervously and looked down at her hands. It was still awkward between her and Pierce, and she felt sort of bad for having to ask Pierce for his strength so she could beat his father in a challenge.

Pierce took her hands gently in his, "Of course. I will do anything you ask. I want this alliance as much as you do. And you never have to wonder if I'll be there for you because of Fynn. Because your safety and happiness is my goal. If you're happy, then I'm glad."

Rieka looked up at Pierce, tears forming in her aqua eyes, "Pierce, I-" 

Pierce held his hand up, stopping her, "We both knew this was a possibility. I told you then that I would follow you until death or you release my oath, regardless of my feelings or if you had a mate or not. I am happy to still be your friend, your right hand, and your General. So let's leave it at that okay? We're okay."

A stray tear fell down Rieka's cheek and Pierce wiped it away, "Now now, don't let our drama get to you. You are our alpha. You are the strongest I've ever seen, and right now, you need to focus." 

He grabbed Rieka's tattooed arm and they each grabbed the other's forearm, a small glow started at Pierce's arm and slowly faded over to Rieka's, snaking up through her tattoos and into her heart. Rieka gasped as the power joined with her own. 

"There. How do you feel Ri?" Rieka moved around a bit to test her muscles, "I feel good honestly. I think I'm almost 100%."

Pierce smiled mischievously, "Good. Then lets go introduce my dad to Rayna."

The bleachers around the training area were filled with the collective, the Nightmares, and Carlos' entourage. Jason and Georgia were sitting next to Jimmy in the front row. Georgia pulled a flask and some snacks from her bag and passed them to the other two. 

King Carlos stood calmly. He was finishing up wrapping his arms with protective leather arm guards and sported a gold and dark red body armor with detailed inscriptions of the sun and lions roaring on the shoulders, chest and belt. 

Pierce and Rieka stepped into the area, her black and blue armor making her look menacing- like a dark angel.

Cheers erupted as the two leaders walked to the middle of the training area. Pierce stood between them before raising his voice to address all who were present, "A friendly challenge has been placed on our Alpha from the Pantera King. This is for no land, nor power, but merely a test of strength between two neutral parties. The rules are simple, No permanent maiming and it is only until one party submits. Do you both agree to these terms?"

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