48. Challenge

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Pierce and the caravan pulled up to the estate. It was explained to King Carlos about the circumstances of the past few days and that Rieka had been severely injured. Pierce hoped that his father would not be judgmental about Rieka's predicament, as the king preferred shows of strength, though he wasn't unreasonable.

The staff was waiting at the stairs for them as planned. They parked the cars and strolled into the entryway.  Carlos smiled, "This place is a marvel my son. You've really spruced up the place."

"I'm glad you appreciate what we've done with it." They all turned to find the source of the voice, and at the top of the stairs stood Rieka with Fynn at her back.

A lump formed in Pierce's throat as he took in the sight of Rieka walking down the stairs. Only the faintest twitch of her face gave away how much pain she was in. 

She looked stunning and fierce in a black floor length gown with a high slit over each leg; showing off her toned, long legs with every step. It had simple lines of sapphires starting at her hips, swooping up over her breasts into a silver clasp at the shoulders.  She had her hair done in a simple french braid with silver gems dotted throughout and a diamond and sapphire choker around her slender neck. Her makeup was elegant with sapphire blues and silver smoky eyes and a simple nude pink lipstick. 

Carlos elbowed his son, "You failed to mention your alpha was as beautiful as the moon goddess." 

Pierce cleared his throat, trying to not look like he was shamelessly checking out every curve of Rieka's body as she slowly came down the stairs. 

Carlos held out his hand to escort her down the last few steps, a large smile on his face, before kissing her hand, "Alpha Rieka. It is an honor to finally meet you. My son speaks very highly of you. Now I see why."

Rieka blushed and flashed her warmest smile, "Well, your son is very dear to me. I wouldn't be alive today if not for his bravery many times over." She briefly looked at Pierce, a warm grateful smile that said more than words ever could. 

Pierce nodded respectfully, "Shall we sit down in the back courtyard? The gardens are lovely and I've taken the liberty of having some refreshments set up for everyone."

Carlos held out his arm to Rieka, "May I? I'm sure you're still sore from recovery." 

Rieka smiled gratefully, but stood proudly, "I am sore, but nothing I can't shake off. I would appreciate your company regardless." 

That seemed to appease Carlos and with Rieka on his arm, they led the way to the back yard,  Fynn and Pierce fell into step behind them, each trying to walk just ahead of the other to be closer to Rieka, and shooting each other silent, annoyed looks as they continued to foil each other. 

Once outside, Rieka took in a large breath of fresh air. The smell of wet earth, grass and flowers were a pleasant change from her room. They made their way over to a sitting area underneath a vine covered pergola with hanging white wisteria flowers draped overhead. Pierce had outdone himself with the yard. The yard was impeccable, with areas of blooming flowers of all shapes and sizes connected by stone pathways.  The winding path from the garden connected with the in ground pool and palm trees created a majestic pathway around the main exterior of the house. 

Carlos helped Rieka to a comfortable single chair before taking a spot near her on the closest bench.  Fynn and Pierce practically raced to sit on the spot closest to Rieka on her other side. Rieka caught their childish behavior as she was sitting down and glared at both of them while Carlos was distracted. Fynn and Pierce both looked down ashamed when they got caught.  Rieka smiled and with a small edge in her voice, "Fynn. Would you do me a favor and pour me a cup of tea from the cart? Would anyone else like some refreshments?"  Fynn's eyes lit up at being chosen to help his mate and walked to the cart laden with teas, coffees, juices, an espresso bar and various baked goods near their seats, and began pouring some strawberry hibiscus tea and stirring some honey in it before tenderly bringing it to Rieka. 

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