32. Betrayal

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They all exchanged looks. Dylan was telling the truth. She was his mate. Dylan looked to Alpha Randolf and knelt down in front of him, "I beg of you, whatever judgment you see fit for me, I will bear gladly for my part in harming the pack. But, please- Don't harm Savannah.  If our friendship meant anything... I know I don't have a right to ask, but I am begging you-"

Alpha Randolf put his hand up to stop Dylan, "I understand your predicament. I am still undecided on what punishment will be given, but you have my word, as long as you both remain compliant no harm will come to Savannah." 

Tears escaped Dylan's eyes as he wept, "Thank you Alpha. Your mercy is appreciated." 

Just then, a warrior came into the bunker, "Alphas. We've received a distress call from the Lycans." 

Rieka looked at Raziel and they both nodded.  "We will go to hear the message." Alpha Randolf said sternly, "Lock the prisoners back up. No one is to harm them until my judgment has been passed."  The guards nodded, "Yes Alpha!" 

"I will go test the blood sample I got from Dylan. I'll text you the result Ri." Georgia said grabbing her things.  Rieka nodded her thanks and the rest of them left the bunker quickly. 

Upon arrival at the pack house, they were greeted by Charlie, Jimmy and Mrs. O'Malley.  Charlie stepped forward, "Alphas! Thank you for coming so quickly. We have news, and it's not good."  Alpha Randolf motioned towards the offices and they all followed quickly to where the boards and maps were. Rieka turned to Charlie as they walked, "How did you get here so fast?" He chuckled, "I called your mother and she whisked me here. It was my first time travelling that way and while it was convenient, it was not my favorite means of travel."  

Once they were all inside and Pierce closed the doors, Charlie addressed everyone, "My sources are brimming with messages and information. It seems that whatever the sirens and succubi were planning has started. My spy in Catlia's entourage confirms that their base is in wine country. Up in the mountains at an old vineyard. He also confirms that the Lycan prince is there, and seems to be working with them.  Though he did say that he wasn't sure it is of his own free will. He said the Prince seems troubled. Sometimes he is calm and alert, seeming to bide his time. Other moments, he's angry, violent, and lashes out at anyone that even looks at the head siren with anything but submission."

"That's strange." Raziel interjected, "I've known Fynn since his birth. While a lycan certainly can have temper issues, Fynn was never one to give in to his often.  That behavior would certainly be out of character for him. We should proceed with him cautiously." 

"That might not be doable," Charlie said nervously, "You see, just a few hours ago, he led an attack with some rogue wolves and rogue lycans and took out a high noble siren at her house. They slaughtered her family and most of the house staff.  It was one that we suspected was a siren, but could never prove. Apparently, she was the confidante of the current Siren Empress." 

"I'm assuming she didn't survive either?" Jason asked.  Charlie shook his head, "No she didn't. Reports say that they kept her alive for a time before they killed her. Most likely looking for information. We can only assume that it's about the siren empress.  There has been a formal declaration of war from the Prince himself, upon the Sirens for the murder of so many over the past few months. She will have no choice but to respond." 

Rieka sat up, "And they will have to call on the succubi empress for aid because of their treaty. Effectively pulling themselves away from their strongholds. This gives Catlia a perfect opportunity to rid herself of the empress without looking like she was holding a coup. I practically accused her of it when she attacked me and Pierce. I didn't realize she would actually do it. I wonder what the sirens get out of it?" 

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