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A/N: Just a little note, Cat Noir (Adrien) will be visiting Marinette on her balcony and getting to know her.

Marinette POV:

Hey. I'm Marinette. But you probably already knew that. But you probably didn't know that I have a big secret. I... Am Ladybug. Guardian of the Miraculous and protector of Paris. My partner is Cat Noir. He's kind of a flirt and a jokester.

Today is our first day back at school after winter break. It's a cold snowy January morning when Cat Noir and I were defeating Mister Pigeon once again.

Once that was wrapped up I hurriedly said goodbye to Cat and swung away so I could get to school. At least it's winter so I can use the slippery sidewalk excuse this morning as well as my alarm being broken.

When she got to school...

"Sorry, I'm late Miss! My alarm didn't go off and the sidewalks were really slippery this morning. I thought I should try and be careful." I said, having to lie through my teeth. I mean, they can't know that I'm Ladybug or they would be in a lot of danger.

"It's fine Marinette, just take your seat." Miss Bustier told me.

"Yes, Miss."

"Alarm didn't go off again huh?" Alya joked.

"Yeah, plus I didn't want to hurt myself by running on icy sidewalks. We both know how clumsy I am." I giggled.

Miss Bustier told us to be quiet and we got started on our lessons.

After school

"Ugh. Today was a long day." I told Alya.

"Tell me about it. Especially with Chloe being her usual bratty self." Alya groaned.

"No kidding." I giggled.


"Here we go again." I groaned and rolled my eyes.


Soon enough it turned into a screaming match.

I just waved at Alya sadly and started walking home, when I tripped and fell into someone.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked me.

I looked up and I noticed it was Adrien!

"Oh... Uh... Yeah... Totally fine. Just clumsy!" I joked.

"Well glad you're okay. See you tomorrow Mari." Adrien said and got into his car.

*Phew* That was too close. I almost got mesmerized by his emerald green eyes.

But I had to get home. This was no time for daydreaming about Adrien. I had promised my parents that I would help them in the bakery after school today.


Oh no. Not now. Not another akuma today.

Well, I knew what this meant. I carefully ran to an alley.

"Tikki, we have another akuma to protect Paris from."

"You know the words Marinette."

I gave her a magicaron.



"Stalaktikki! SPOTS ON!"

I quickly transformed and swung to where the akumatized victim was.

Oh no! Not Lady Wifi again! Alya! I had to save her and protect Paris.

I was surveying the scene from on the school rooftop when Cat Noir joined me.

"So, we have Lady Wifi again huh m'lady?" He asked me.

I just rolled my eyes and said yes.

"Let's get this over with Kitty. Hopefully, the akuma is in the same place as the last two times."

"In her phone. Got it Bugaboo." Cat Noir flirted.

"I told you to stop calling me bugaboo. I'm in love with someone else!" I screamed as I tried to wrap my yo-yo around her legs.

"Cat Noir! This is Marinette's best friend Alya. We have to save her."

Then I got an idea.

"Cat Noir, we can't beat her like this! I have an idea."

Cat Noir landed beside me to hear the plan.

"So what's the plan Ladybug?" He asked me.

"We need a way to shut down the wifi so that she can't teleport between devices."

"I can use my special power to shut down a wifi router for the city."

"Perfect, and I'll use mine to keep Lady Wifi distracted until you get back."

"Sounds like a plan m'ladybug." He flirted again and leaped off to shut down the city's wifi.

"LUCKY CHARM!" I called out.

"A cell phone? What am I supposed to do with this?" I wondered. Then I looked around with my ladybug vision and saw what I needed to do.

I had to keep her distracted by keeping her teleporting through this cellphone until Cat Noir got back.

"Hey! Lady Wifi! Over here!" I shouted to Alya.

"Perfect." She said smugly. She smiled wickedly and teleported to the cell phone. My plan was working perfectly. I just had to keep her going until Cat Noir gets back.

Cat Noir POV:

It took me a bit to find the wifi router but I found it.

"CATACLYSM!" I called out. I touched the router and destroyed it.

I had to run to get back to Ladybug. She probably doesn't have much time left on her earrings.

I found her running and keeping Lady Wifi on her toes until the wifi shut down.

"Thanks Kitty." She thanked me.

"Anything for you bugaboo. Now I have to quickly go detransform so I can help you better." I told her.

"You better hurry. I don't have a ton of time left after using my lucky charm." She warned me.

"Understood Ladybug." I quickly ran into an alley, detransformed, fed Plagg, and transformed back into Cat Noir.

I jumped back to the battle.

"CATACLYSM!" I called out once more!

Ladybug was able to get her yo-yo around Lady Wifi's phone and get it away from her and in front of me.

I touched it to destroy it and release the akuma.

"No more evil-doing for you little akuma."

"TIME TO DE-EVILISE!" Ladybug shouted.

"Gotcha. Bye-bye, little butterfly."

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" She called out and all the damage done by Lady Wifi was repaired.

"Pound it!" We said and fist-bumped.

"I better get going kitty. Bug out!" She said and swung away.

She is so amazing sometimes. But I better get home too. Father is probably furious that I didn't come home right after school. But what could I do? I had to save Paris after all.

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