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The next day at school

The girls and I walked into school laughing and joking like we had all been old friends.

I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who." I heard followed by a laugh.

I giggled. "Adrien."

"Looks like you three had a good time last night."

"We did. Actually, I need to talk to you privately at lunch today. There's something important I need to tell you."

"Of course Mari."

Then the bell rang.

Alya spoke first. "We should get to class before we're late."

We all agreed and walked into class and took our seats.

Mrs. Bustier explained that we would be doing a group project that we had until the last day of school to work on. Then she put us all into groups. Luckily Adrien, Nino, Alya, Chloe, and I were all put into a group together. Then the bell rang for lunch.

"Okay, class. You're all dismissed for lunch. Feel free to get started on your projects during lunch if you'd like." Mrs. Bustier said.

Adrien and I made an excuse to Chloe, Nino, and Alya so we could talk privately and then meet them at lunch.

Adrien and I made our way to an empty open classroom so we could talk. I made sure to close the door behind us so we could have some privacy.

"So, M'Lady. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Well, I may or may not have revealed my identity to Chloe and Alya last night." I said sheepishly.

"YOU WHAT?!" Adrien yelled.

"Adrien, calm down, take a deep breath and let me explain." I said. He did as I said. "Better?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. Go ahead."

"Thank you. Yes, I told Chloe and Alya who I am. It was about time I told them the truth. Especially Alya. They promised not to tell anyone who I am. Alya asked if I knew who Cat Noir is and if he knows who I am. I answered yes, but I explained to them that I couldn't tell his identity to them for a couple of reasons. I had to consider the danger they could be put in if they knew and I didn't want to break your trust by giving out your identity to anyone else without your permission." I explained. "It was up to me to make that choice because I'm the guardian of the miraculous now."

"It's alright, princess. I understand where you're coming from. And thank you for not telling them who I am. I appreciate that you didn't want to put us and them in danger. I also appreciate you not breaking my trust by telling them without permission from me." He said as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Oh. There is one more thing." I added.

"What is it, princess?" He asked me.

"I trusted Rena Ruge enough to let her hold onto her miraculous. She's now a permanent member of our team. Just like Chloe." I explained.

"That's great Mari. I'm glad we'll be able to have more help when it comes to defeating Akumas. They'll definitely be beneficial." He agreed.

"You're not mad?" I asked.

"How could I be? You did what you thought was right for Paris and I'm proud of you for that." He explained.

I began to cry and hug him harder because I was so relieved. He just let me cry and hugged me to comfort me.

"It's alright Marinette. I'm here. I love you." He said and kissed the top of my head.

I caught my breath. "I love you too Kitty." I said and raised my head to kiss him. He kissed me back.

"We should probably get to the others. They're probably wondering where we are."

"You're right Mari."

We walked into the cafeteria and grabbed our lunches and sat down with the others.

"What took you two so long?" Alya asked us.

"Oh, nothing." I said and smirked at Adrien to throw them off. Luckily Adrien caught on and smirked back.

"Oooh. Did you two...?" Chloe asked.

We just shrugged. Luckily Alya and Chloe stopped asking questions after that.

"Oh. Chloe, have you heard from Luka about your date yet?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah. Just before I showed up at your place yesterday. He texted me saying that he wanted to meet at the park tomorrow so we can talk and get to know each other." Chloe admitted while blushing madly.

"Aww. How sweet." Alya and I sighed.

"Stop it you two. You're being ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous." Chloe said.

The rest of us just burst out in laughter. Luckily Chloe figured out we weren't laughing at her but with her and started laughing too.

"Oh. Adrien. We need to make sure our outfits are coordinated for the dance next weekend. We have to math without clashing." I said.

"Okay. I'll talk to my father and see what I can do. But I was thinking you could wear red and black like Ladybug and I could wear black and green like Cat Noir." Adrien said half-jokingly.

I giggled and agreed to this idea. I couldn't wait for the dance. I was gonna be there with my wonderful boyfriend and my best friends. Nothing can ruin the night of the dance.

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