12 (Adrien is sick?!)

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1 week later

Adrien POV:

I have been visiting my princess every day as Cat Noir since her grounding was over. Adrien may be grounded, but Cat Noir isn't.

(Don't come at me for this. I couldn't think of anything)

One day it was raining hard but I couldn't miss visiting my princess.

"Kid. You're gonna get sick if you go meet Marinette when it's raining like this." Plagg advised.

"Oh, now you care about something other than your stomach?" I joked.

"Whatever kid. If you get sick, don't say I didn't warn you."

"Now to see my purrincess." I said.

Because of the rain, it took me longer to get to Marinette's house than it normally did. Plus, it was pretty cold out. But this was all worth it. I had to get to Marinette's house.

I gently landed on her balcony and knocked on her window. I hoped she would let me in quickly because this Cat was beginning to shiver. Cats hate water ya know.

It took her a minute but she eventually opened the window and let me in.

"H-H - Hey p - purr - purrincess." I shivered.


"N - now - is - th- that an - any- w-way to greet y-your kn-knight in sh-shining ar-armor?" I continued to shiver.

"Wait here. I'm gonna get a towel. I mean it. Stay there. I don't want you getting my things all wet." She said and went to the bathroom to grab a towel.

I could feel my nose beginning to itch.

"M-Marinette... You... *Ah...* better hurry. *Ah...*"

"I'm coming Kitty. If you're gonna sneeze at least cover your mouth and nose please." She pleaded.

*ACHOO!* I sneezed into my arm. *sniffle*

"Here. Let me dry you off. Then you detransform and climb into my bed. Then I'll grab you a thermometer so we can take your temperature." Marinette said.

I just nodded.

She started with my head and worked my way down.

"I'm sorry... *mmf*hey..." I joked.

"Sorry, Kitty. What were you gonna say?" She asked me.

"I was gonna say, I'm sorry for coming in the rain even when I knew there was a chance that I would get sick. Plagg tried to warn me." I explained.

"Well, you should've listened to him." She said as she worked her way down to dry me off.

"Yeah, you're right." I said.

"Thank you Marinette. I don't know what I'd do without you princess *sniffle*."

"You'd catch pneumonia. That's what." Marinette joked.

I laughed lightly. Suddenly I started to feel really dizzy. Then, I couldn't see. Then everything went black and the last thing I heard was Marinette calling out my name.

Marinette POV:

"CAT NOIR?!" I panicked.

I tried to gently shake him awake but it wasn't working.

"Lift him up and get him into bed. He must be really sick." Tikki suggested.

"Good idea Tikki." I said as I lifted him I felt his forehead.

"HE'S BURNING UP!" I screamed. I quickly laid him in my bed and tucked him into the covers. Luckily my parents were at the store getting a few things for the bakery so they didn't hear me scream.

"I have to get a thermometer Tikki. If his time runs out and he detransforms, fly down to the kitchen and get Plagg some camembert." I told Tikki.

"Will do Marinette."

When I came out of the bathroom I heard Adrien rustling around in bed. Then his eyes started to open.

"Wh... What happened?" He asked me.

"You fainted. I put you into my bed. I felt your forehead. You have a fever. But I got a thermometer so we can see just where that fever is." I explained.

"Ugh. I'm so sorry princess *cough*." He said.

"Shh. Just hold that under your tongue for a minute while I get you some medicine." I told him.

I came out of the bathroom just when the thermometer beeped.

"101.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38.5 degrees Celsius). You're definitely not going to school tomorrow Adrien. And neither am I." I said.

"But Marinette... *cough cough"

"No buts. I'm gonna tell my parents that you came to visit in the rain and got sick so I'm going to take care of you until you're better. They'll understand. In the meantime, you can go ahead and detransform." I explained.

"Okay. Plagg, claws in *cough cough* *ACHOO!"

"Here." I handed him a tissue.

"Thanks." He said.

"You get some rest. I'm gonna get some camembert for Plagg. Then I'm gonna transform and bring you home so you can get some more rest without your father being angry with you for being gone." I explained to him.

"Marinette, it's 5:00." He said.

"I don't care. The rain has stopped and you're really sick. I'm not gonna hear any buts. So, not another word Adrien." I scolded him.

He just nodded and went to sleep.

"Plagg, Tikki, come with me." I said and put the two kwamis in my pocket.

I gave Plagg one piece of camembert and gave Tikki a macaroon so she would have some energy before I transformed.

I quietly went back upstairs to get Adrien ready to go.

"Time to go Adrien." I said as I gently lifted him into my arms.

"Hold on tight babe." I said.

I brought him home and got him into bed.

"Where do you keep the medicine?" I asked him.

"In the bathroom in the cabinet." He said.

I quickly got the medicine out of the bathroom and gave it to him.

"Feel better soon Adrien. And remember, you can't go to school tomorrow." I explained.

He nodded, yawned, and fell asleep.

I gently kissed his forehead, went out the window, and leaped back home.

When I got home I detransformed and gave Tikki her macaroon.

"I hope Adrien feels better soon." I said sadly.

"Me too Marinette. But you did the right thing by bringing him home so he could rest." Tikki explained.

"Yeah, I know. I just wish his father wasn't so strict with him. It's not fair." I said as tears began to form in my eyes.

"I know Marinette. But think of it this way. You only have a few months left until you graduate high school. You'll both be off to college and Adrien won't be under his father's rules anymore so he won't be forced to do anything he doesn't want to do." Tikki explained.

I sniffled. "You're right Tikki. I should probably get some homework done for school." I chuckled.

"Good idea Marinette." She said. We both laughed a little and I got started on my homework. I still had Adrien on my mind, hoping that he would feel better soon.

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