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Marinette POV:

I feel so bad that Adrien is so sick. But I'm making him something that will help him feel better soon. I'm making him a black scarf with a green pawprint on it to represent Cat Noir. I may not know how to knit or crochet, but I can sew a scarf.

I'm working on this when there's a knock at my trapdoor.

"Who is it?" I called down after making sure that Tikki was safely hidden.

"Marinette, sweetie, Alya is here to see you." My mom said.

"Okay. Let her in." I called back.

Then Alya came in.

"Hey, girl." Alya said as she climbed into my room.

"Hey, Alya. What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I'm just here to see how you're feeling since Adrien wasn't at school today." She explained.

"I'm okay Alya. I actually dropped off his homework after the Akuma attack and checked on him. He's losing his voice but he said that he's going to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully there'll be some good news." I explained.

"That's good. I'm glad that he's being taken care of." She said. "What are you making?" She asked.

"I'm making Adrien a scarf to cheer him up. He's a fan of Cat Noir, so I'm making it black with a green pawprint." I explained.

"That's a great idea. He'll love it!" Alya exclaimed. "Well, I better get back home. I have homework I need to do. I'll see you at school tomorrow." She said.

"See you tomorrow Alya." I said and she climbed back down the ladder, closing the trapdoor behind her.

I put the finishing touches on his scarf. I remembered to sew my name onto the scarf so he would always know that it was me that made it for him. Wait! What if he brings up the blue scarf that he thinks his dad made for him? How am I going to tell him that it was me that made that one too? I don't want him to feel sad that his dad hadn't really made him anything for his birthday. He was so happy when he thought that his dad had made him that scarf. I can't bear the thought of having to tell him that it was from me and that I had made it. But he deserves to know the truth. He'll be disappointed that his dad hadn't made him that scarf, but maybe he'll be happy knowing that his then friend, now girlfriend had made that for him for his birthday.

"Tikki." I called out.

"Yes, Mari?" She asked me.

"I'm gonna be bringing this Cat Noir-inspired scarf to Adrien tomorrow when I bring his homework, but what if he brings up the blue scarf that he thinks his dad made for him for his birthday when it was really me who made it? How am I going to tell him the truth? He'll be so disappointed that his dad hadn't made him the scarf. But doesn't he deserve to know the truth? But what if he gets so mad at me that won't want to talk to me again? What if he breaks up with me? I can't..." Tikki cut me off.

"Breathe Marinette. Breathe. It's going to be okay. I think you should tell him the truth. It is the right thing to do. But it is up to you in the end Marinette. No one can make this decision for you." Tikki explained.

I sighed and said, "You're right Tikki. I was being silly. Of course, it's all gonna be okay. And you're right. It is the right thing to do. He deserves to know that I made him that scarf. Even if he does become upset or disappointed with his father."

Tikki hugged my cheek to help cheer me up.

I noticed that it was starting to get late. So I decided to get to bed since I had my homework and that scarf done. I made sure to put them all in my bag so I wouldn't forget them tomorrow. I eventually fell asleep.

The next morning...

I actually woke up early for once. Tikki wasn't even awake yet. She looked so adorable when she was asleep. I quietly got ready for school because I didn't want to wake her up just yet.

"Tikki." I whispered as I gently shook her.

"Tikki. Time to get up. We need to get to school." I said. Hmm. Nothing seems to be working right now. Then I had an idea.

"Tikki. Plagg's here and wants to see his sugar cube!" I said.

"WHAT?! YOU TELL HIM TO... Oh. You got me Marinette. And hey. You're awake before me today. That's new." She observed.

"I know. Now come on and hide in my purse. I need to get to school so I can tell the teacher what's going on. I just hope that Adrien's okay." I explained. Tikki nodded and flew into my purse.

I quickly walked to school and met up with Alya and Nino. I had already told Alya what Adrien had told me yesterday so I filled Nino in on what was up with Adrien.

"Well, it's a good thing that my dude is getting the help he needs to feel better." Nino said.

"Yeah. I'm just hoping for good news. I don't want Adrien to end up in the hospital like I did." I said sadly.

"Hey. Let's think positive okay Marinette? It's gonna be fine. Adrien is gonna be fine. I'm sure he'll text you to let you know whatever news he gets from the doctor today. You just have to trust that he'll be fine Mari." Alya encouraged me.

I took a deep breath and nodded. I was getting in my head again. Adrien will be just fine.

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