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The next day:

Chloe POV:

Maybe Ladybug was right. Maybe I am capable of change. Maybe I can be a better person.

I tried to be nice at school but everyone thinks it's some sort of trick.

"Hey Chloe, I heard you were akumatized because you were upset about how many Akuma you had caused. I heard that Ladybug was able to calm you down so you could defeat the Akuma on your own. That's pretty amazing. You know, I can help you if you want." Marinette told me.

"You want to help me Marinette? Why? I've always been so mean to you." I asked.

"Sometimes when people are mean, it's because they've been hurt in some way. And as the class representative, I have to believe that everyone is capable of change. Knowing that you were Akumtaized over this, makes me truly believe that you can be a good person. I can help you to do that if you want Chloe." Marinette explained.

"You'd really do that Marinette?" I asked her, happy tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Of course, I would Chloe. All you need is a chance." Marinette told me.

I started crying tears of joy and hugged Marinette.

"Thank you, Marinette. Thank you for believing in me." I sobbed.

Everyone looked shocked to see Marinette and me not fighting or arguing for once. Their mouths were gaping which was ridiculous but I didn't say anything. I knew it would hurt their feelings.

"You're welcome, Chloe. Now, how about we start with some apologies to the people who were akumatized because of you. How about you start with Kim?" Marinette told me.

I took a deep breath and agreed.

"Kim, I know I hurt you on Valentine's Day and got you turned into Dark Cupid. I shouldn't have laughed at you when you tried to ask me out. I should have tried to explain that my heart belonged to Adrien. I'm so sorry Kim." I said as tears continued to flow down my face.

"Thank you for apologizing Chloe. It means a lot to hear you say that and I can tell that you really mean it. I forgive you, Chloe. Forget about it, okay?" Kim asked.

I only nodded.

"Alya, I shouldn't have made up the fact that you were trying to steal from my locker and get you suspended. I should have just asked you what you were doing. I know now that you thought that I'm Ladybug. I'm sorry to say that that's not true. I'm also sorry for getting you akumatized." I said.

"I appreciate the apology Chloe, but I don't know if I'm able to forgive you right now." Alya said.

"And you have every right to be mad." I choked out.

"Nathaniel, I shouldn't have made fun of your crush on Marinette. I had no idea how much she meant to you and I just hurt you by making fun of you. I am so sorry." I sobbed.

"Forget about it, Chloe." Nathaniel said.

"Thank you."

"Mylene, I'm sorry for making fun of how scared you were when we were making that movie together. It was wrong and I realize that I really hurt your feelings. I am so so sorry. You don't have to forgive me, but I just want you to know that I'm sorry." I continued.

"I forgive you, Chloe. Thank you." She said.

I couldn't get out any more apologies at the time because I was crying so hard because people were forgiving me when they had every right not to.

"That's a good start, Chloe. I think this is a good first step." Marinette supported me.

I just smiled because I couldn't get any words out.

Then Miss Bustier came in. She was one person that I definitely had to apologize to. Even though I had done it once, I felt like I had to do it again. For my sake.

"Miss Bustier..." I began.

"What is it, Chloe?" She asked me.

"I'm sorry that I forgot your birthday. You shouldn't have been akumatized because you were trying to protect Marinette. I think you deserve to know why." I said.

"Chloe, you don't have to, if you don't want to." Miss Bustier explained.

"I want to Miss. My mom never remembers my birthday and it got to the point that I began to resent my own birthday and then birthdays in general. I am so sorry." I said as tears flowed out of my eyes uncontrollably.

"Thank you, Chloe. But, what has gotten into you?" She asked me.

"I've thought a lot about all the akumas I've caused and realized that I have hurt so many people. I realized that that isn't the path I want to go down. I realized that I wanted to be a better person." I explained through tears.

Miss Bustier just wrapped me in a tight hug to comfort me. I have to admit, it feels really good.

"Chloe, I am so proud of you." Miss Bustier said when she pulled away.

As she pulled away she wiped away a few of my tears.

"Thank you, Miss." I said and went to my seat.

"That was really brave of you Chloe. I had no idea about your mom. I'm so sorry." Marinette remarked.

"Thanks, Marinette." I said.

Maybe being a better person was gonna be easier than I thought.

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