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2 days later

Marinette POV

"Marinette, your father and I are going to New York for a baking competition for two weeks and we need you to watch the bakery. Do you think you'll be okay on your own?"

"Of course mom. Don't worry about me. When are you and dad leaving?"

"We're leaving tomorrow morning and we won't be home when you wake up for school."

"Okay, mom. I understand. Don't worry. The bakery will be in good hands while you're gone. I can ask my friends to help me when I need it. You two have fun. I love you both so much."

"We love you too honey."

My parents pulled me in for a hug and went to their room to pack. I went back to my room too.

"Marinette, are you sure you can handle running the bakery by yourself while your parents are gone?"

"I'm sure Tikki. It's like I said. I'll ask my friends for help when I need it. I can handle it. If there's an Akuma I'll close the bakery and transform to fight it."

"I guess you're right Marinette. Now, it's getting late and you have school tomorrow. You should go to sleep."

"You're right Tikki. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Marinette."

I fell asleep not knowing what would happen tomorrow morning.

The next morning at the school

Alya, Nino, Adrien, Chloe, and I all walked into the school for class.

"Okay class, today we'll be discussing..." Mrs. Bustier went on when my phone went off.

"Marinette? Are you paying attention?"

"Yes, Miss." I declined the phone call.

Then my phone went off again.

"I promise Miss. This isn't my fault." I said as I declined the call again. But my relief didn't last long because the same number called me a third time.

"Whoever it is must be impatient to reach you Marinette." Mrs. Bustier observed.

"Miss, is it okay if I answer it out in the hall?" I asked.

"Alright. Go ahead."

I thanked her and stepped out.


"Hi, is this Miss. Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"I'm a doctor at the Paris hospital. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you."

"W... What... What is... What is it?" My breath began to tremble.

"Well, your parents were in a bad plane crash and there were no survivors. I'm sorry Marinette."

"W... What? This... This... This can't... This can't be happening." I sobbed.

"I'm very sorry miss."

"T... Thank you... Goodbye." I said and hung up.

I walked back into the classroom crying and sat beside Alya. Miss Bustier must have noticed my tears.

"Marinette, is everything okay?"

"Yeah... I'm fine." I was struggling to contain my tears.

"Are you sure?"

I couldn't say anything so I stood up and ran out of the classroom crying uncontrollably.

"MARINETTE!" I heard Adrien call after me but I was crying so hard and running so fast that I didn't care. Eventually, I ended up outside the school on the sidewalk crying with my knees to my chest.

"MARINETTE! WHERE ARE... Marinette!" Adrien called out. I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Mari. Princess. What happened? Are you okay? You know you can talk to me right?"

I couldn't say anything because I was crying too hard. I just turned and hugged him continuing to sob. Adrien didn't say a word. He just held me until I was able to calm down enough to explain what had happened. I finally caught my breath.

"I got... I got a call... from... from the hospital. My parents were on a flight that was supposed to go to New York for a baking competition. But... *I began to start crying again* The... The plane crashed and... There... There were no... No survivors. My parents... My parents died." I just cried again into Adrien's shoulder.

I felt Adrien rub his hand up and down my back.

"I'm so sorry princess. I'm here. Just let it all out. I'm here." He did his best to comfort me. Soon I heard our entire class come outside to figure out what had happened. They didn't hear what I had told Adrien. Thankfully.


"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"What's wrong?"

Everyone kept trying their best to help me but I wasn't in the mood for questions. I just snuggled my head deeper into Adrien's chest. Thankfully, he got the message.

Adrien POV

"I think Marinette appreciates the concern you all have for her, but I don't think she's up for answering your questions right now. Miss Bustier, is it okay if I bring Mari home and help her?"

"Yes, Adrien. You go take care of her."

"Thank you, Miss."

I picked Marinette up bridal style and brought her home to the bakery. I brought her up to her room and laid her in her bed. I just held her hand and sat beside her.


"Yes, princess?"

"Can you cuddle with me?"

She looked so sad and I couldn't leave her on her own.

"Of course princess." I laid down beside her and just held her.

Marinette turned over to face me. "Adrien, I love you."

"I love you too princess."

Marinette's eyes began to droop. Eventually, they closed and she was sound asleep. I just laid with her to comfort her and fell asleep beside her.

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