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Adrien POV:

A few minutes later a doctor came out to talk to me.

"How's she doing doc?" I asked.

"She's doing okay now. She's stable. She'll be fine. Just a bad case of the flu. She should be able to go home in a couple of days." The doctor explained.

"That's great news. Can I go see her? I really want to be with her." I pleaded.

"Alright. Go ahead." The doctor said.

"Thank you." I said and walked back into Marinette's room.

"Mari. Are you okay?" I asked her as I sat down and held her hand.

"I'm okay. Did you really mean it when you said you loved me?" She asked me.

"I absolutely meant it. I meant it from the bottom of my heart. I love you Marinette." I confessed.

"I've loved you for a long time, Adrien. But you always saw me as a friend." Marinette said with tears forming in her eyes.

"I think I always loved you Marinette, but I fell in love with Ladybug first and I wanted to stay true to my first love." I explained.

"Really?" Marinette said smiling.

"Really Marinette. And I know this isn't the best time, but would you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked her nervously and looked down at my shoes.

I felt her hand on my chin.

"Adrien, look at me," She said as she gently turned my head to face her. "I would love to be your girlfriend. I love you, Adrien." She told me.

"I love you too Princess." I said and kissed her forehead.

"Adrien? Could you do me a favor?" She asked me.

"Of course Mari." I responded.

"Could you call my parents and let them know what happened to me? They're probably crazy worried about me. But don't tell them who we are. If you know what I mean." She explained to me.

"I will Princess." I said. I kissed her forehead and grabbed her phone to call her folks.

"Hello?" Mr. Dupain answered.

"Hello, Mr. Dupain. This is Adrien Agreste. I saw Marinette passed out in an alleyway for some reason. I went to check on her but when I felt her forehead she felt worse than when she did at school this morning. I had to bring her to the hospital. The doctors said that she's gonna be okay. She has a bad case of the flu and has to stay here for a couple of days." I explained to him.

"But how would she have ended up in an alley?" He asked me.

"I'm not sure Mr. Dupain. I'm just telling you what I know." I explained.

"Thank you Adrien for taking care of my little girl. I'll let Sabine know what's going on and we'll be there as soon as we can to see her."

"Not a problem Mr. Dupain. Would you like me to stay with her until you get here?" I asked.

"That would be wonderful. But, when we get there could you leave so we can have some time alone with our daughter?" He asked me.

"Of course Mr. Dupain. I understand. I'll see you and Mrs. Cheng when you get here. Goodbye." I said.

"Goodbye, Adrien." He said and hung up.

"So what's going on Kitty?" Marinette giggled.

"Your parents are aware of the situation and are gonna come and see you. Your dad wants me to stay with you until they get here. But when they do get here, he wants me to leave so that the three of you can have some time alone." I explained to her.

"But, Adrien. I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay." Marinette said, tears starting to form in her eyes again.

"I don't want to leave either princess, but I'm sure my father is gonna want me home soon. I'm surprised that Nathalie and the Gorilla haven't shown up yet actually." I said sadly.

"I understand Adrien." She said while crying.

I climbed into the bed beside her.

"Hey princess, I love you. I'll visit you over the next couple of days. I'll bring you gifts and I'll let Miss Bustier know what's going on okay? Everything's gonna be fine." I said as I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead. I gently rubbed my thumb up and down her back.

"I love you too Adrien." She said and shortly fell asleep against me.

But then her parents came in.

I put my finger up to my mouth to signal for them to be quiet because Mari was sleeping. I gingerly climbed out of the bed and quickly whisper explained that she had confessed how she felt about me and told them that I feel the same way about her.

They smiled and nodded in approval.

"Could I kiss her forehead and leave her a note to let her know that I had to go?" I pleaded with Marinette's parents.

They nodded.

I quickly wrote her a note to tell her that I had to get home since her parents had shown up and my dad wanted me home. I wrote that I would come to visit her after school tomorrow and that I loved her. I left it on the table by her bed.

I kissed her forehead, waved goodbye to her parents, and left. I'm so happy that my princess is okay.

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