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2 months later

Marinette POV:

Today is the day that my class and I graduate high school and go our separate ways. Hopefully, Hawk Moth won't unleash any akumas today. I just hope everything goes okay. Then, all of a sudden I remembered my parents and started crying.

"Mari, princess? Are you okay?"

"I guess. I just..." It was hard for me to talk because of my tears.

"What is it?"

"I wish my parents were here. I wish they could see me graduate. They were always so supportive of me and helped me to get a scholarship to my dream school for fashion design. I miss them so much."

"I know princess. I know how much they mean to you. But guess what? I bet that they'd be just as proud of you as I am today."

*sniff* "Really?"

"Really. You are so strong. You have saved Paris on multiple occasions and still managed to graduate at the top of our class."

"I guess you're right. Thank you, Adrien. I needed that."

"Of course, princess."

"We better get going. We don't want to be late to graduation."

"You're right Mari. Plagg, let's go."

"Cheese first."

"Plagg, you are ridiculous. Here. *tosses cheese*"


"Tikki, you too."

"Coming Marinette. *flies into my purse*"

"Okay, now we're all set."

Ten minutes later.

"We're here princess. Are you nervous at all?"

"A little. I have to give a speech in front of the class, but I know that I can do it."

"That's my girl. Let's go take our seats."

15 minutes later

Everything was going smoothly. Gabriel wasn't here because of his company. As usual. Adrien seemed a little upset, but at the same time, he didn't seem surprised that his father wasn't here to support him. Everything was fine until Mylene got scared of receiving her diploma and ran off the stage. Everyone gasped and I ran after Mylene to check on her and make sure that she wouldn't get akumatized. I'm so worried about her. I had Adrien transform just in case of an akuma attack.

When I finally caught up to her she was crying from embarrassment.

"Mylene? Are you okay?"

"No. Everyone probably thinks I'm a big joke because I ran off because I was scared of getting my diploma."

"Do you want to talk about it? Talking can really help people feel better when they're scared."

"I guess."

"First, take some deep breaths. In and out."

She did so.

"Now, what's going on Mylene? Why were you scared?"

"Everything is changing. Ivan is going to a different school than I am and everyone is going their separate ways. I'm afraid of change."

"Change can be scary Mylene. But you never know what the future may hold if you don't give change a chance. When I lost my parents, I was afraid that I would have to pay all of the bills and do everything myself. But, I did what was best for myself and sold the bakery. I also moved in with Adrien. If I hadn't sold the bakery, it would have meant that I never would have gotten to live with the person I love."


"Really. Now, are you ready to go back up there and give it another shot?"

"I don't know if I am, but... I'll try."

"That's a great first step Mylene."

We walked back to the stage and Mylene received her diploma. Everyone graduated that day. Everyone said their tearful goodbyes. Except for me and Adrien. Adrien is going to another school in Paris to study business while I study fashion design. Gabriel wants us to take over the business after university so we thought this would be a good opportunity for us. Yeah, it'll be a little hard, but like I told Mylene... Change can be good and scary at the same time.

Bug out! xoxo

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