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Adrien POV:

I could feel my foot bouncing up and down quickly. I was so worried about Marinette. I really hope she's okay.

"Adrien Agreste?" A nurse asked.

I jumped out of my seat. "That's me."

"And you're here to see miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" She asked me.

"Yes. Is she okay? Can I see her?" I asked eagerly.

"Yes, you can see her. But I do have to warn you that she is sleeping and is contagious." The nurse warned me.

"How can I help myself stay safe and see Marinette?" I asked.

"Here. You can put this mask on and put on some hand sanitizer. And make sure you keep a physical distance from her. I don't want you to catch what she has." The nurse told me.

I put the mask and sanitizer on. "What does she have?" I asked.

"She has a bad case of the flu." The nurse explained.

"Thank you. What room is she in?" I asked.

"Follow me. Right, this way." The nurse said while guiding me to Marinette's room.

When I saw Mari lying there I was so distraught. I couldn't believe that M'Lady was so sick. Why had she tried to fight when she was this sick? The nurse left the room to give us some privacy.

"Oh, Mari. Why did you come to school with a fever and feeling sick? I'd never forgive myself if something awful had happened to you, M'lady." I whispered to myself.

That's when I saw a kwami fly out of Mari's purse.

"Hi. I'm Tikki. And I know who you are. I know you're Cat Noir." She whispered to me.

"Nice to meet you Tikki. But, how did you know that I'm Cat Noir?" I asked her.

"Remember when you two were battling Dark Owl? When you and Marinette had your eyes closed I saw Plagg. Plus, you just called her M'Lady. So you must know that she's Ladybug then. Because only Cat Noir calls Ladybug, "M'lady"." She explained.

"Oh right." I nervously chuckled.

Then Marinette began to stir.

"Mari?" I asked.

"Ngg. Mmm. A... Adrien?" She asked me.

"Right here, Mari." I said.

"Where am I?" She asked me.

"You're in the hospital. You had a pretty high fever so I had to bring you here." I explained.

"Oh. *cough cough*"

I couldn't keep the fact that I knew that she was Ladybug a secret from her.

"Are you okay M'Lady?" I asked her.

"M... M'Lady? But... Isn't that... what Cat Noir calls Ladybug?" She asked me as she sat up.

"Mari... I know you're Ladybug. I saw you detransform after the battle. You had fainted. I brought you to an alley so no one could see us. Then your earrings beeped, signaling that you only had a few seconds left. I didn't have time to turn around or even walk away. I saw you, M'Lady. I'm so sorry."

"Wait... *cough* then... Are you..."

I knew what she was asking.

"I am your Kitty, M'Ladybug." I finished for her.

"But if you're Cat Noir... Then I've been rejecting you for you and flinging you across Paris all this time. Oh no! THIS IS A DISASTER!" She started crying, but then she started coughing really hard. I pressed the call button to get her some help.

"What's happening?" A nurse asked me.

"We were just talking, then she started crying but then it turned into this really bad coughing fit." I explained.

"Okay. Let's get her some oxygen!" The doctor ordered.

"MARI!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

"Young man, we'll have to have you back out of the room for now until we can help her." The nurse told me.

"I can't leave her! What if she needs me?" I asked between sobs.

"I'm sorry. But if you want to help her, you'll have to step outside for a little while." The nurse told me again.

"MARI! I'LL BE OUTSIDE. I... I LOVE YOU!" I shouted to her as I stepped out of the room. I could see her reach out her arms for me.

I sat down against the wall across the hall. I couldn't control my tears. Oh, Marinette. Please be okay. I thought.

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