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The next day

Still Mari POV

Ever since Chloe earned the privilege of holding onto her own miraculous she's been incredibly nice to everyone. I'm so happy with how much she's changed. She's slowly earned the trust of Alya and Nino too. But there's one person who has definitely caught Chloe's attention.

We were sitting at lunch one day when he happened to walk by.

"Chloe," I said. No response. "Chloe," I tried waving my hand in front of her face. Still nothing. "Earth to Chloe!" I yelled.

"Huh?!" She gasped, finally snapping out of whatever trance she seemed to have been in.

"Chloe, I've been trying to talk to you about the upcoming dance but you weren't responding. Were you staring at Luka again?" I asked teasingly.

"NO!" She tried to deny it.

Alya crossed her arms and shook her head.

"Chloe. It's obvious that you like Luka. Little less obvious than when Mari was crushing on Adrien, but it's still obvious. You zone out and blush every time he walks by you." Alya explained.

"I do not." She said, her face starting to turn red.

"She's in denial." I joked.

Alya giggled.

"Chloe you definitely do." Nino agreed.

"It's true Chlo," Adrien added.

"All of you shut up. You're being ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous." She said as she tried to hide her blush that was slowly turning to a deeper shade of red.

The rest of us tried not to laugh. I got over my giggles first.

"Okay. I'm sorry Chloe. So, when are you going to tell him how you feel?" I asked her.

"Never. Because I don't have feelings for him." She said.

The rest of us looked at each other with a knowing glance. We knew what we had to do and we looked at Chloe with smirks.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" She asked us.

"Oh, no reason Chloe." I assured her.

"If you say so Marinette." She said and went back to eating her lunch.

At the end of the day, we saw Luka talking with his sister Juleka. Chloe was blushing as usual but the rest of us knew what we had to do.

Alya started talking to her about something random and they started walking ahead of us. Adrien, Nino, and I exchanged smirks before I pushed Chloe into Luka.

"Woah, hey. You okay?" He asked her.

Chloe couldn't speak for a second but regained her composure. Sort of.

"Pfft. I'm totally fine. I'm okay. Especially now that I get to see you... I mean..." Chloe scrambled to try and get her words right. She glared at Adrien, Nino, Alya, and I but we glared at her because she had to tell him how she felt sooner rather than later.

"Glad you're okay. You're Chloe right?" He asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am." She said while tugging at a loose strand of hair.

"Juleka told me about how much you used to make fun of her and hurt emotionally." Luka scowled at her. He was just being a protective brother.

"Oh. About that. I'm really sorry. There is no excuse for my past behavior. I really want to change. I want to be better." Chloe tried to explain.

Luka's scowl melted into a soft grin.

"It's okay. I know how much you've changed. Juleka has told me how much happier she's been since you started being nicer." He explained.

"Really?" Chloe asked.

"Really. I'm really glad you're changing Chloe. It shows real maturity." He explained, blushing slightly. I think Chloe noticed that because the rest of us definitely did.

"Oh. Uh. Thanks. It's uh... Luka... right? Juleka speaks highly of you. You know. When she isn't feeling shy." Chloe tried to say.

"Really? Well, I'm glad someone appreciates me." He chuckled.

"Actually, uh... make that two people that appreciate you." Chloe stammered.

"What do you mean?" Luka asked genuinely.

Alya and I awwed toward each other. Making sure that Chloe and Luka couldn't hear us.

"I uh... I've... liked you. Like, a lot... and... I guess... what I'm trying to say is..." Chloe stuttered.

"Are you trying to ask me out, Chloe?" He asked her.

Chloe shook her head. Paused when she realized what she was doing. Then slowly nodded her head in embarrassment.

"It's okay Chloe. I will go out with you. I want to see how much you've changed for myself." Luka said.

"I totally understand if you don't... Wait what?" She asked.

"I said I'd go out with you." Luka said again.

"Really?" Chloe asked excitedly.

"Yeah. Why not? Sounds like it could be fun. Why don't I give you my number and I'll text you then when and where?" Luka asked.

"Yeah... uh... Totally." Chloe said and gave him her phone so he could give her his number. Then he gave her his phone so she could give him her number.

"Later Chloe." He said and skateboarded away.

"Bye." That was all Chloe could say.

Alya and I pulled her in for a hug and screamed.

"YOU DID IT CHLOE!" I screamed.

"WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU!" Alya screamed.

"Thanks, guys!" Chloe exclaimed.

We broke up the hug.

"This calls for a celebration. Sleepover at my house?" I suggested.

"Sounds like fun." Chloe said.

"Count me in." Alya said.

"Hey, can we come too?" Nino asked.

"What do you mean "we"?" Adrien asked him.

"Sorry to disappoint Nino, but this is a girls-only sleepover. No boys tonight." I explained.

"Oh, the horror of not being invited to a girls sleepover." Adrien said dramatically and sarcastically.

We all had to laugh at that. It was pretty funny.

"It's okay, princess. You, three girls, have fun and we'll see you at school tomorrow." Adrien told me.

"See you tomorrow Adrien." I said.

He kissed me and I kissed back. That's when his car pulled up.

Adrien pulled back. "I guess that's my ride. I'll see you guys tomorrow. I love you princess." Adrien said.

"I love you too Adrien." I said as he got into the car before his bodyguard pulled away.

"So who's ready for a girls' night?!" Alya screamed.

Chloe and I both confirmed that we were ready. This was going to be the best night ever.

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