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Marinette POV:

I woke up after a while to see that Adrien was gone and that my parents were here.

"Wh... Where... Where's Adrien?" I asked, my eyes beginning to tear up.

"Marinette honey, read the note on the table." My mom told me.

"Note?" I looked to my right and there was a note on the table from Adrien.

"Dear Marinette,

You fell asleep and your parents showed up not long after. I wanted to let you know that I had to head home. I don't want my father to be furious with me for not being home for so long today. I don't know if I'll be able to visit you tomorrow. But I will try to sneak out to see you (don't let your parents read that part). Your parents wanted to have some alone time with you too. I hope you feel better soon Marinette. I love you so much.

Love, Adrien"

Adrien was so sweet.

"Marinette..." My dad began.

"Yes, dad?" I asked.

"Adrien told me he found you in an alley today. How did you end up there?" He asked me.

Oh no. I couldn't tell them that I'm Ladybug, that would put them in a lot of danger if Hawk Moth found out.

"Oh. Nathaniel wanted to meet in the park. He wanted to sketch me for a new comic he was drawing. I must have made a wrong turn due to the fever and fainted in an alley. I also went out the back way so you and mom wouldn't see me because I knew I should have been resting. I'm sorry dad." I lied, looking as though I might cry. Hey. I had to sell it.

"Marinette, we're disappointed in you for sneaking out, but we're glad you're okay and you're lucky that Adrien brought you here." My mom said.

"I understand mom." I said.

"That said, when you get out of the hospital in a couple of days you are grounded for a week for sneaking out." My dad said.

"Okay, dad." I said, looking down at the covers.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" My mom asked me.

"I feel better. Not completely better, but better." I said honestly.

"That's good, sweetheart." She said.

Then a doctor came in.

"I'm sorry. Visiting hours are over. You'll be able to come back tomorrow. I might be able to discharge her tomorrow." He said.

"Okay. We'll be back tomorrow sweetheart." My mom said and she kissed me on my forehead.

"Bye, mom. Bye, dad. I love you both." I said as my dad wrapped his arms around me for a hug.

"We love you too Marinette." My dad said as they left.

"Well, Marinette, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I'm feeling a bit better." I answered.

"That's great Marinette. Try to get some sleep. I'll have the nurse check on you in the morning." The doctor explained.

"Okay. Thank you, doctor." I told him.

"Goodnight Marinette." He said as he turned off the lights.

"Goodnight." I said.

Then the doctor left.

Tikki popped out of my purse.

"I'm glad you're feeling better Marinette."

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