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2 weeks later...

Chloe POV:

I sat on my lounge thinking about how many akumas I cause. I know I'm Queen Bee and I'm supposed to defeat Akumas. Not create them. I mean, I act mean towards my classmates, but really, I'm just a big softy. I miss my mom because she lives in New York, and me and my daddy live in Paris. My mom never remembers my name. All I have left of her is a teddy bear.

I started crying and hugging my teddy bear. I can't keep causing these akumas, but I can't let my classmates see me like this. They can't see me as weak and vulnerable. They need me to be strong because I've helped Ladybug and Cat Noir save Paris a few times.

Then my butler whats-his-name came into my room.

"Miss Chloe, dinner is ready... Whatever is the matter, Miss Chloe?" He asked me.

"NOTHING! JUST GO AWAY! Tell daddy I'll be down soon." I screamed.

"If you say so, Miss Chloe." He said and left.

I cried even harder. That's when I noticed a purple butterfly enter my room.

"Ahhh. Queen Wasp. We meet again. I'll give you the power to show people how good you are. You already know what I want in return for this power. Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous!" Hawk Moth instructed me.

"Yes, Hawk Moth. I will show all of Paris how good Chloe can be." I accepted the deal and became Queen Wasp again.

Meanwhile with Marinette and Tikki...

"Marinette, it's getting late. You should get to bed so that you can actually be on time for school tomorrow for once." Tikki told me.

"Okay Tikki. I-"

*BOOM* I was cut off by the sound of an Akumatized victim.

"Looks like I'm not gonna get to bed now Tikki. TIKKI, POWER UP!"



I quickly transformed and went out on my balcony to see who was akumatized this time.


Oh no. Not Queen Wasp again. Last time she controlled everyone that had a miraculous.

I called Cat Noir on my yo-yo to get him to the situation. Hopefully, he gets here soon. I don't think I'll be able to handle her alone.

With Adrien:


Not again, I thought.

"Plagg, we have to save Paris from Queen Wasp again. We can't let her terrorize the Paris citizens."

"Cheese first!" Plagg demanded.

"PLAGG POWER UP!" I threw him a piece of magic camembert.



I quickly transformed.

I noticed that I had a message from Ladybug. I had to get there quickly.

I quickly leaped from building to building trying to spot M'Lady.

Soon I saw her on the street trying to fight Queen Wasp.

"I'm here M'Lady. What do we need to do?" I asked her.

"We need to find out what she wants and then we can try and find the akuma." She instructed me.

"Sounds like a plan M'Ladybug." I told her.

"Hey Bug Queen! Why don't you tell us what's going on? Maybe we can help you." I shouted to her.

"You can't help me you mangey alley cat. I want to show Paris that I can be good and not cause Akumas anymore! You can't help me with that! No one, that is, except for Hawk Moth." She retorted.

"Meowch Chloe." I punned.

"Chloe, you're wrong. We can help you be a better person. You just need to give us a chance." Ladybug told her.

"HAHAHA! You really think so Ladybug? Well, you're wrong. You never even tried to help me before. Why would you help me now?" Queen Wasp asked.

"Because you never gave me a reason to believe that you could change. But now that you're akumatized over it, I know you really want to change and be a better person. Just give us a chance to help you. We can't help you if you're akumatized. I just need you to calm down. You can beat the Akuma. All you need to do is calm down. We can help you if you calm down. Let's take a breath. We can figure this out together." Ladybug explained.

I saw Chloe take a deep breath. I think Ladybug was getting through to her.

Eventually, the purple haze swarmed around her, transforming her back into Chloe.

Ladybug POV:

"No more evil-doing for you little akuma."

"Time to de-evilise!"


"Bye, bye little butterfly."


Everything was set back to normal.

"Pound it!" Cat Noir and I said at the same time while fist-bumping as always.

"I guess you didn't really need my help after all M'Lady." Cat Noir said, sounding upset.

"Hey. Just because I didn't need your help this time, doesn't mean that I won't need your help in the future. You're the best partner ever. You know that. I know that. That's all that really matters Kitty." I said, cupping his face in my hand.

"You're right bugaboo. You're a great partner too." He said, smilingly softly.

"I gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow at patrol okay?" I asked him.

I gently kissed him on the cheek as a sign of goodbye because he's a good friend. Will he take it the wrong way? Probably. But right now, I have to get home and get to sleep. And tomorrow? Who knows. Maybe Chloe will apologize and try to be a better person and maybe I can help her with that.

I finally made it to my balcony.

"Spots *yawn* off." I yawned.

"Goodnight Tikki." I said as climbed into bed.

"Goodnight Marinette." She said.

And I fell right to sleep, hoping that I would be on time for school tomorrow.

Adrien POV:

I went home and with my night vision, I could see that no one was in my room right now.

Perfect. I thought.

"Claws *yawn* in" I yawned.

"Plagg," I said softly. "Ladybug kissed my cheek tonight." I was so happy and excited, but I made sure to stay quiet because I didn't want to wake father and Nathalie.

"Good for you kid. Now, if you don't mind, I need my cheese and some sleep." Plagg said sleepily.

I chuckled. "Oh. All right Plagg." I tossed him his cheese and went into bed.

Tonight was the best night of my life.

I fell asleep with dreams of Ladybug on my mind.

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