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10 minutes later

Adrien POV:

The Gorilla, Nathalie, and I arrived at the Dupain-Cheng bakery to help Marinette pack up. But when I went up to her room she seemed upset.

"Princess. What's wrong?"

"I can't believe I have to move and sell this place. It's my home. The only place I've ever lived. Some of my favorite memories happened here, Adrien. It's just bittersweet I guess. I'm happy to be living with you but..."

"But you're sad that you won't be living in the home you grew up in."


Tears were streaming down M'Lady's face and I didn't want to see her hurting like this so I just pulled her in for a hug. Luckily, the Gorilla and Nathalie were working on the downstairs part of the apartment so they didn't see the miracle box where all the kwamis were huddled around. They were sad to be leaving this place too. But they knew that Marinette wouldn't be able to stay here anymore.

"Thank you, Adrien. I needed that."

"Anything for you M'Lady."

She chuckled which made me smile. At least she was starting to feel a little bit better.

"So, where should we start?"

"Why don't we start with the desk area and all the design stuff and we'll work our way from there?"

"That sounds like a great idea Adrien."

She kissed me gently on the cheek and got started. I had brought up some boxes so I got started helping her.

It took a while but we got Marinette's room packed up. Nathalie and Gorilla were still working on the main area of the apartment so Marinette and I started working on the bakery. I could see that she was still hurting over having to give this place up and that she was putting on a brave face for me. That's when I got an idea. I pulled out my phone and put on the song we had danced to at Chloe's party and in New York.

"Care to dance Marinette?"

"Adrien what are you doing?"

"I can see that you're hurting. I hate seeing you feeling like that so I thought I might be able to distract you a little bit and take your mind off of it. So, what do you say? May I have this dance?"

"You know, I could use the break, so sure. I'd love to dance."

We started dancing and it felt like we were floating in front of the moon again. It felt like it was just the two of us. We were dancing until we were rudely interrupted by Nathalie.

"Adrien we're here to help Marinette pack. Not to dance."

"I know Nathalie. But, Marinette was upset. She has to leave the only home she's ever known. I was just trying to give her a bit of a distraction and to comfort her. Couldn't you be a little more sensitive?"

I know I shouldn't have snapped at her but I was angry. She wasn't being sensitive to Marinette's situation.

"Adrien, you will not take that tone with me. Finish packing the bakery while me and Gorilla start bringing miss Dupain-Chengs things to the Agreste mansion. I better see you helping her pack."

"Fine. We'll pack." Nathalie just nodded and brought the boxes she had been carrying to the limo.

"I'm sorry Marinette. I wish Nathalie would be a little more sensitive to your situation. She knows how upset I was when I lost my mom. I wish she could do the same for you."

"You don't have to apologize Adrien. It's not your fault. Let's just get this place packed up. I'm probably going to have to sell most of it anyway."

She started crying again but she just kept packing as if nothing was wrong. I hated seeing her like this. I wish there was something I could do to help her feel better. That's when it hit me. I would take her on a date tonight. Even if my father didn't approve of it. We could sneak out as Ladybug and Cat Noir. It's perfect. I just had to set up a purrfect setting on the Eiffel Tower without her knowing.

Luckily it was still midafternoon when we got everything to the mansion. Marinette fell asleep on my bed. It made sense to me because of everything she has been through and how much packing and moving we had done.

When it was 6:00 at night Marinette woke up and I had everything ready on the Eiffel Tower. I told Nathalie that Marinette and I were just gonna sleep and weren't hungry tonight. But I snuck into the kitchen to make some sandwiches and get drinks and stuff for our picnic on the Eiffel Tower.

"Mari. You're awake."

"Yeah. I guess I was tired."

"Well, it's a good thing you're awake because I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise? For me? Adrien you didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I did princess. You've been through so much lately and I wanted to do something for you."

"Adrien, you're the best. I love you."

"I love you too princess. But to get to the surprise we're gonna have to transform."

She smiled and nodded.

We raced to the Eiffel Tower just to tease each other. I wasn't mad when she won. Maybe I let her win so she'd feel better.

"I always knew I was faster than you."

Hearing her say that and then hearing her laugh afterward felt amazing.

"Of course you are Ladybug."

"Oh. Wow. Kitty. You did all this for me?"

"I did bugaboo. Do you like it?"

"I love it Cat. I can't believe you did this."

"Like I said. I wanted to make you feel better."

"Thank you, Cat. But racing here has worked up an appetite. Let's eat."

"As you wish M'Lady."

We detransformed, ate, talked, and laughed. It felt good to be with Marinette and just seeing her smile. She really needed a break and a distraction. But for some reason, I feel like there's something she's not telling me. But I know she'll tell me when she's ready.

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