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Later that same day...

Mari POV:

I still wasn't feeling 100%, but I've been resting all weekend so I feel well enough to go to school.

"Marinette!" Tikki called, but I was still kinda tired.

"Marinette! You're gonna be late for school!"

"GAH!" I screamed and fell out of bed.

"Thanks, Tikki."

I quickly got ready for school.

"Come on Tikki." I said. She quickly flew into my purse and we were on our way to school.

When I got there I was so excited to see everyone.

"GIRL! YOU'RE BACK!" Alya screamed and pulled me in for a hug.

"I missed you too Alya." I laughed.

"Good to see that you're feeling better dudette." Nino said.

"Thanks, Nino," I said as he put out his fist for a fist bump. I couldn't leave him hanging.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands covering my eyes.

"Guess who." A voice said. I immediately knew who it was.

"Adrien." I laughed.

He uncovered my eyes and turned me around.

"I'm glad to see you're feeling better princess." Adrien said. Then he kissed my cheek as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Thanks, babe." I kissed him on his lips and he kissed me back.

"Okay. Details. Now." Alya demanded.

Adrien and I both chuckled.

"Well, I found her passed out in an alleyway and brought her to the hospital. I realized that I loved her. When the doctors let me see her I saw how beautiful she is." Adrien began explaining.

"We started talking for a while and then I had a really bad coughing fit." I continued.

"The doctors forced me to wait outside of her hospital room and I called out that I loved her. I saw her reaching her arms out for me. I sat across the hall in tears because I was so worried about her." Adrien explained.

"But later I was okay and he asked me to be his girlfriend." I finished.

"And lucky for me she said yes. And the rest is history." Adrien said.

"Girl. How did you end up in an alley?" Alya asked me.

"Well... Nathaniel wanted to meet me in the park to sketch me for some new comic book he was working on so I had to sneak out. But because of my fever, I must have taken a wrong turn and fainted in an alley. I was really lucky that Adrien found me and brought me to the hospital." I explained as I pulled Adrien in for a hug.

"Wow, Adrien. You must really love her." Alya said.

"I really do." He said, kissing my forehead.

"Well, if you break my girl's heart, I break you. Understand Model Boy?" Alya threatened Adrien.

"I understand Alya. I promise you. I won't hurt her." Adrien promised.

"You better not Agreste." Alya threatened again. Sometimes Alya scared me. And that's coming from the heroine of Paris.

We all laughed and went into class.

"Marinette. I'm so happy to see that you're feeling better and are back in class. We all missed you." Miss Bustier gushed.

"Thanks, Miss. It's good to be back." I said and took my seat beside Alya.

After class...

"So girl. Wanna come over to my place?" Alya asked me.

"Sorry, Alya. I can't I'm grounded for sneaking out." I explained.

"Ouch. How long you grounded for?" She asked me.

"Until Friday. They grounded me for a week after I got released from the hospital." I explained.

"That sucks." Alya said.

"Yeah, it does." I agreed.

"Yeah and unfortunately my father grounded me for two weeks for being away from home for so long." Adrien said sadly. That's when his limo showed up.

"I gotta go. I'll see you, tomorrow princess." Adrien said.

"See you tomorrow Adrien." I said.

We quickly kissed and he left.

"Well, I should get home too. I have some homework to catch up on since I was in the hospital." I said and went home.

As soon as I got home I got started on homework. Hey. I couldn't let it pile up. But then it was 7:00 and I had to meet Adrien for Patrol.

"Tikki, spots on." I whispered.

I quickly transformed and leaped off my balcony.

And there was Cat Noir. On the Eiffel Tower and on time.

"Hey, bugaboo." He greeted me.

"Hi Kitty." I said seductively.

We kissed and then I explained the plan for patrol tonight.

"I'll start with the north. You go south. We meet back here in 20 minutes. Then I'll go east and you go west." I explained.

"A purrfect plan as always M'Ladybug." Cat Noir punned.

"You would be so perfect if it weren't for those stupid cat puns Cat." I said and swung away.

20 minutes later

"Nothing." I said.

"Me neither M'Lady." Cat Noir said.

"Okay. I'll go east, you go west. Meet back here in 20." I said as I swung off to the east.

20 minutes later again because I'm lazy

"Nothing to the east either." I said.

"Nothing to the west either bugaboo." Cat Noir said.

"Well looks like Paris is safe for the night." I said.

"Looks like it bugaboo. *yawn* Well, I'm gonna head home. I have some homework to do tonight. I'll see you tomorrow bugaboo." Cat Noir said.

"See you tomorrow kitty." I said back.

"I love you bugaboo." He said.

"I love you too you silly kitty." I said.

We kissed and we both leaped back to our homes.

When I got home I detransformed and got started on some designs since I had gotten my homework done after I got home from school.

Before I knew it, it was 10:00 and I was beginning to yawn.

"Marinette, you should get some sleep. You're still not quite back to full health." Tikki suggested.

"You're right *yawn* Tikki." I said.

Then I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed for the night.

"Goodnight Tikki."

"Goodnight Marinette." Tikki said. And I fell fast asleep with Adrien's kiss on my lips and his face in my dreams.

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