5 (Marinette is Sick?!)

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In the evening:

Mari's POV:

That evening it was my turn to patrol but it was pouring rain. But I had no choice. I had to make sure that Paris was safe.

"TIKKI, SPOTS ON! YEAH!" I quickly transformed and went out into the pouring rain to make sure that Paris was safe tonight.

I don't know how long I was out there, but I started to shiver after a while. That's when I heard a pair of feet land beside me on the Eiffel Tower.

"M'Lady! What are you doing out here in the rain?" Cat Noir asked me worriedly.

"I was just patrolling," I told him.

"It's freezing, go home and stay warm. I don't want you getting sick." Cat Noir explained to me.

"Don't worry silly kitty. I'll be fine." I told him.

"If you say so, M'Lady." He said and leaped off.

Maybe I should get home. I don't want to get sick either.

The next morning...


I yelped and fell out of my bed.

I stood up but got so dizzy that I had to sit down for a minute until it passed.

"Marinette, are you okay?" Tikki asked me. I knew she was concerned but I'm fine. Or at least I think I am.

"I'm okay Tikki. I just got up too fast."

I quickly got ready for school and Tikki got in my purse.

I said goodbye to my mom and dad as I ran out of the bakery to get to school.

When I got there I felt dizzy again. I stopped for a second to let it pass and went into class.

"Marinette, late again." Mrs. Bustier said.

"Sorry, miss *cough*."

"Marinette, are you all right?" She asked me.

"I'm alright Miss Bustier. I promise." I said weakly.

"If you say so Marinette. Now go to your seat so we can get on with today's lesson."

"Yes, Miss."

"Girl, are you sure you're okay? You look kinda pale." Alya whispered to me.

"Like I said Alya, I'm... ACHOO... fine." I whispered back.

"Marinette, are you sure you're alright?" Miss Bustier asked me.

"I'm fine Miss... *cough cough*" I smiled weakly.

"Marinette, you're so pale. You don't seem fine. Would someone take her to the nurse?" She asked.

I stood up and felt dizzy again.

"Miss... I don't feel so..." And everything went black.

Adrien's POV:


"Go ahead, Adrien."

"Thank you, Miss," I said and picked Marinette up so I could get her to the nurse. While I did that I felt her forehead. SHE'S BURNING UP!

I got her to the nurse as fast as I could.

"What seems to be the problem, Mr. Agreste?" The nurse asked me.

"Marinette passed out in class and she's burning up," I explained.

"Oh my. Go ahead and lay her on one of the beds. I'll take her temperature."

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