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Two weeks later...

Chloe POV:

Everything with Luka has been incredible. I haven't caused an akuma in quite some time because of how much I've tried to change. I still have slip-ups but people have been helping me through it.

For example:

I was at school one day and a girl was wearing a hideous outfit and I wanted to make fun of her for it. Hey. Old habits die hard.

"Oh my gosh. Are you seriously..." But Marinette cut me off.

"Um... Chloe. I think you might want to think about what you're going to say before you say it. You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and cause an akuma do you?"

I took a deep breath. "You're right Marinette. I'm sorry. I should've thought about what I was gonna say. I was about to make fun of this girl's outfit but I should have thought about how that would make her feel if I did."

"Hey. I'm here to help you."

"I know. Thank you, Marinette."

Marinette has been amazing at helping me keep me in check.

Suddenly I felt hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?"

I instantly knew that it was my blue-haired boyfriend.

"Luka." I chuckled.

"I can't put anything past you can I?"


"How about you and I invite Marinette and Adrien for a double date?"

"Luka, that's genius. I'll call Marinette right now and see what she and Adrien think. She's been living with the Agreste's since her parents died. (Marinette has felt more comfortable with talking about her parents so she confided in Chloe and Alya) Oops. I shouldn't have said that. Marinette told me that in confidence."

"You should have kept that to yourself don't you think?"

"Luka, I don't need a lecture right now. I feel awful for mentioning that."

"I know Chloe. I know. How about I call Marinette instead?"

"Sounds like a good idea."

"I'll be right back." He kissed me on the forehead and went into the next room (they're at the hotel).

I think we all needed a break from battling akumas and needed some time to be normal teenagers.

Then Luka came back.

"She and Adrien think it would be a great idea to go on a double date. Adrien just needs to check with his father and see if it's okay."

"Sounds great. What would we do on this double date?"

"Well, I saw this cute little cafe that isn't too far from here. I was thinking the four of us could go there."

"That sounds great Luka. I'll let Mari know."

CB: Hey Marinette. Luka said you and Adrien agreed to the double date.

MDC: Yeah. He just needs to check with his father to see if it's okay.

CB: I know. I just wanted to let you know what we would be doing if Gabriel does agree to the double date.

MDC: What would we be doing Chloe?

CB: Luka saw this cute little cafe that isn't too far from the hotel and he was thinking that we could go there.

MDC: That sounds great Chloe. I'll let Adrien know before he talks to his father and I'll let you know what Gabriel says okay?

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