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The next day at school

Still Marinette POV:

When I went to school the next day people kept asking me why I looked sad. I just kept telling them that I was just tired and that I was fine. Nino and Alya didn't seem to believe me but they let it go.

That is until Miss Bustier got a phone call.

When she hung up, she looked at the class sadly.

"Class, I have some bad news. Adrien came down with a cold. He has a fever so he won't be joining us for a few days." She explained.

Everyone gasped and murmured except for me because I knew this was going to happen since I had brought him home yesterday.

"Girl. No wonder you looked upset. Adrien isn't here because he's sick. Are you okay?" Alya asked me.

"I'm fine. Actually, I'm gonna bring him his homework today along with some homemade chicken soup after school today so I can check up on him." I said.

"How did you know he wasn't going to be here though? Miss Bustier just told us that he won't be here." Alya questioned me.

"He texted me this morning to tell me that he wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be coming to school for a few days." I said. I mean, it wasn't a total lie. I did know ahead of time that he wouldn't be here today because I had brought him home yesterday when he got sick.

"Oh. I should've known. You two are dating so of course, he would tell you when gets sick and isn't able to come to school." Alya chuckled.

I just nodded and put my head down. I hope Nathalie would let me in so I can bring Adrien his homework instead of me having to put it into their thing so that Nathalie could give it to him.

After class I texted Adrien to ask him to ask Nathalie to let me in so I can drop off his homework and check in on him. I worry about him. He said he would.


Oh no. An Akuma. I had to hide and transform. I just hope Adrien isn't gonna transform and try to fight while he's sick.

I ran into the hotel and went into the elevator to transform.


I quickly ran out of the hotel to see where the Akuma was.

Oh no. Not Mr. Pidgeon again. Then I heard a pair of feet land beside me followed by a sniffle.

"Cat Noir? What are you doing here? You're sick. You should be home, in bed, resting. I can handle this. I can get Rena Rouge or Carapace. You need your rest. And besides, feathers set off your allergies. You'll be sneezing even more." I scolded him.

"I couldn't let m- my'la... *ACHOO* M'Lady fight by herself. *sniffle* *cough cough*" Cat Noir explained.

"Cat Noir. Go home now! You need to rest!" I yelled.

"O... Ok... *cough* I- I- g... gu... gue... *ACHOO* guess you're *ACHOO x2* right bugaboo." Cat Noir said.

"Good. You go home. I'll get Rena Rouge. I'll check on you when we're done, Kitty." I told him.

"I love you bugaboo." He said.

"I love you too Kitty. Now go home and get some rest." I told him.

He quietly nodded and leaped home.

I quickly ran to Alya's house and gave her her miraculous.

We soon defeated Mr. Pidgeon once again.

"Thank you for your help while Cat Noir is sick Alya." I said after we were in a safe hiding spot and she had detransformed.

"No problem Ladybug. Glad I could help." She said.

She gave me her miraculous back.

"Now, I promised Cat Noir that I would check on him when we were done so I have to get going. Bug out." I said before yo-yoing off to the Agreste Mansion.

I detransfromed behind it. Then I casually walked to the front of it so I could bring Adrien his homework and check on him.

I rang the doorbell.

"Who is it?" Nathalie asked through the intercom.

"It's Marinette. I came to bring Adrien his homework and maybe cheer him up a bit." I explained.

"Alright." She said and opened the gates to the mansion.

"Thank you, Miss Nathalie. Could you show me where Adrien's room is? I'm not quite sure." I asked.

"Of course. Follow me." She said and led me to Adrien's room.

"Don't stay long. He needs to rest." She said.

"Understood." I said. She nodded and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Adrien was laying in bed with a hot pack on his head.

I slowly walked up to him and sat beside him on the bed.

"Marinette *cough cough cough* I'm glad you're here." He said as he sat up.

"How are you feeling? I told you to stay home from the fight." I asked and scolded at the same time.

"I've felt better. But I'm feeling better now that you're here." He said.

I giggled. "Well, I brought you the homework you missed today."

"Thanks, Marinette." He said. His voice sounded a little rough.

"Stop talking Adrien. It sounds like you're losing your voice. I have to get going. Nathalie told me not to stay too long. I'll check in on you tomorrow. I love you." I said and kissed him gently on his forehead.

He made the shape of a heart with his hands to tell me that he loved me too. I ruffled his hair a bit and left feeling glad that he was feeling better.

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