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That same day

Adrien POV:

Ugh. I feel terrible. I think I may actually feel worse. I knew Marinette would be here at some point. I can't tell her I think I feel worse. I don't want her to worry about me. *Cough cough* I have to keep a charade of the fact that I feel better.

I tried to talk to Plagg but he was too focused on his cheese, so I called Nino.

"Hey, bud. How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"I've felt *cough x2* *ACHOO* better." I said.

"Woah, buddy. Your voice sounds rough. Are you losing your voice?" He asked.

I just shrugged because I guessed that it was possible.


"Nino! What was that?!" I asked.

"It looks like Mr. Pidgeon is akumatized again. I should get to safety and let you rest bud. Feel better soon. See ya." He said and hung up.

Oh no. I can't let Marinette fight him by herself.

"PLAGG *cough* CLAWS OUT!" I quickly transformed.

I landed beside M'Lady. I might have sniffled a little bit.

"Cat Noir? What are you doing here? You're sick. You should be home, in bed, resting. I can handle this. I can get Rena Rouge or Carapace. You need your rest. And besides, feathers set off your allergies. You'll be sneezing even more." She scolded me.

"I couldn't let m- my'la... *ACHOO* M'Lady fight by herself. *sniffle* *cough cough*" I explained.

"Cat Noir. Go home now! You need to rest!" She yelled.

"O... Ok... *cough* I- I- g... gu... gue... *ACHOO* guess you're *ACHOO x2* right bugaboo." I said

"Good. You go home. I'll get Rena Rouge. I'll check on you when we're done, Kitty." She told me.

"I love you bugaboo." I said.

"I love you too Kitty. Now go home and get some rest."

I nodded and leaped home.

I felt terrible that I couldn't help Marinette with Mr. Pidgeon, but I turned my phone on to the news to see what was going on. I saw that Marinette had gotten Rena Rouge. Well, at least she wasn't fighting by herself. They defeated Mr. Pidgeon without me. At least Paris was safe.

I coughed pretty hard. I think I might be feeling worse than I was before. Oh. But I can't tell Marinette. I don't want her to worry.

Then there was a knock at my door.

Nathalie opened the door.

"Don't stay long. He needs to rest." She said.

"Understood." Marinette said. She nodded and left the room, closing the door behind her.

I was laying in bed with a hot pack on my head.

She slowly walked up to me and sat beside me on the bed.

"Marinette *cough cough cough* I'm glad you're here." I said as I sat up.

"How are you feeling? I told you to stay home from the fight." She asked and scolded at the same time.

"I've felt better. But I'm feeling better now that you're here." I lied.

She giggled. "Well, I brought you the homework you missed today."

"Thanks, Marinette." I said. She must have noticed that my voice sounded a little rough.

"Stop talking Adrien. It sounds like you're losing your voice. I have to get going. Nathalie told me not to stay too long. I'll check in on you tomorrow. I love you." She said and kissed me gently on my forehead.

I made the shape of a heart with my hands to tell her that I loved her too. She ruffled my hair a bit and left.

It felt good to have Marinette here but I felt so sick. I started having a coughing fit but luckily it didn't last long.

"So, are you regretting going to the fight with Marinette while you were sick?" Plagg asked me.

"I guess Plagg." I whispered.

"Woah, kid. Marinette was right. You do seem to be losing your voice. Shut up. Stop talking or I'll tell Tikki on you." Plagg threatened.

I put my hands up in surrender and was going to go to sleep when there was another knock at my door.

Nathalie entered carrying a mug that had steam coming out of it.

"Adrien, Marinette informed me that your voice seems to be going so I had this made. It's hot water with honey and lemon. It will soothe your throat. You won't be attending your classes tomorrow and you will be going to the doctor to get checked out. There seems to be a nasty bug going around. Marinette had it a while ago. But it seems to be spreading. We can't be too careful. Your Chinese and fencing lessons for tomorrow have been canceled. Your photoshoot that was scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed for the time being. Drink that and get your rest Adrien." Nathalie instructed.

I nodded as I grabbed the mug and lifted it to my lips. I took a sip. Nathalie seemed pleased and left the room. After she left I just kind of scrolled through my phone and texted Marinette to let her know what was going on.

AA: Marinette.

Buginette: Yeah Adrien?

AA: I'm not gonna be able to go to school tomorrow. Nathalie said I'll be going to the doctor to get checked out.

Buginette: Well that sucks but it is your health we're talking about so I support that decision.

AA: I know. I just wanted to let you know what was going on. Could you bring my homework tomorrow?

Buginette: Of course I can. I'm actually working on something for you. I should have it done by tomorrow. I'll bring that over too as long as I'm bringing your homework.

AA: Thanks buginette. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you.

Buginette: I love you too Adrien. Now, get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow.

AA: Okay.

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