Mental disorders

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I've covered this briefly but today, I go into detail.

When somebody has depression that doesn't mean they cut. It doesn't mean they're suicidal. They can be suicidal and they might cut but it's not obvious. They act rather happy on the outside but they don't let anyone in.

Depression is genetic. You know this if you've taken 7th grade science. Some people argue it's not but to that I can say that my mother and my grandmother were diagnosed with depression and my great grandfather was bipolar which is often linked with depression. In turn, I have depression.

Somebody may be really upset when they're bullied or somebody may feel depressed but bullying does not cause depression.

Being an easy target can mean bullying and again from first hand expirience I know that standing up for yourself is extremely hard.

Anxiety is another one. Anxiety can be many things. Paranoia, panic attacks, overly shyness, etc. People with anxiety are NOT going to just stand up and sass somebody back unless they're jacked up on meds for it. I'm not this loud awesome person you see online. I have a few friends and I make sarcastic comments here and there to assholes at my school but I'm in reality quiet and shy.

Do your research people. There are very few fanfictions with realistic protagonists. The ones that do often have people where the lead has no mental illnesses.


Mona Lisa Smile by DoctorWhoovesFanatic. (READ IT I LOVE HER)

Anything written by Potatoyoghurt

The Cab by TatumWillCarryOn

Frank Iero Must Die by gerardmywaydowntown

The Naked Truth by therevengeparade

Notice my obsession with frerard and Panic! fics...

Schizophrenia is a mental illness I think you should have first hand expirience to write about. I am mildly schizophrenic, I have been diagnosed by a medical professional and have been prescribed medication for it. (Woah I'm just telling you guys everything today xD)


You can have voices that you sometimes talk too. You just confuse reality. Some people hallucinate. Some don't.

I'm not insane (or completely insane.) I am still fully functional. I get good grades.

Bipolar disorder is another one. I won't say too much because I am not bipolar.

From what I know it is not changes of mood in the moment. It is usually days at a time of super highs and days at a time of super lows.

My point in this is, do your research.

I have one last thing. If you have two people with the same disorder in one fanfic or story, make sure that they have different symptoms.

I have different symptoms then several people with the same mental disorders.

Also one more last thing... NOBODY is a bully for people with mental disorders. I know some fucked up people but nobody's gonna make fun of you for being depressed.


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