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So, uhh *clears throat awkwardly*, um, yeah. So I know I haven't been updating for a long time. I don't know what's happened to me. I might've walked into a tree that a random person planted on the street like Daisy. Um, *laughs awkwardly as well* so maybe I will be taking a short break and, uh, yeah.

Second: NOOOO. This story used to be #28 in DAISY but now it's #31. Hehe. My mum said that it was because I wasn't updating haha.

Third thing is: we are on the road to 1k readers! Yes, now it's time for the errr, what do y'call them? Aha! Acknowledgements. I won't go through them specifically since well, my hands are gonna die from....I don't know. Ok, I know this is crappy but, uh, you'll live through it hehe (again). Ok, new supporters of the story, welcome and thank you (This specific award may be presented to....Random_Spider_ who has put this story into her Reading List of Amazing books. Therefore, the Amazing New Supporter prize goes to her:)). Old supporters, your name will be acknowledged.

The other Amazing New Supporter prize goes to 12yearold_writer, known as Matilda :). Therefore, I shall acknowledge you as well:).

My POV: Is acknowledging the old supporters nice? What if I don't acknowledge them? Will they think I'm rude? Let's stick to acknowledging them, I mean, it's nice hehe.

Amazing Old Supporters award goes to Hufflepuff_Detective Sapling_Girl and syrinii. Yass your most humble susters! Wait, I mean sisters:).

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At your most humble services,

Detective Emily: A Marauder

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