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I walked around the dorm nervously, biting my lip. Clutched in my sweaty hands were two letters, one from Alexander and one from my father. Part of me wanted to choose Alexander over my father, but...my father is my father and I cannot disobey him.

  Alexander's letter read:

Dear Hazel,

How are you? If you've heard from the newspapers, there is a new case. A murder case. It's about a Mrs Blueberry found dead in her home by the beach. I think I would've liked to live on the beach with you. Anyway, George said that he wanted to see if he could solve the crime. He was a bit annoyed when I said I wanted you and Daisy to join in, but then I said that you might as well bring Lavinia along; that lifted his spirits up a bit.

Mrs Blueberry's is located at Eastfield; maybe you've heard of it? It is quite a large house and rather beautiful, but really, such a horrible place for a crime. George and I are going to be there this Saturday in the morning. It would be rather nice if you and your friends could come.


  Her father's letter said the complete opposite:

Wong Fung Ying,

Whatever your boyfriend has got in mind, do not let him carry you away. You are my daughter and you should know better than to run away with him.

Your father,

Vincent Wong

  How did my father know that Alexander wanted me to visit him? Once, my father told me that he had eyes at the back of his head and that he could watch me anywhere because I was being disobedient. I was three. I am not three anymore. I placed my father's letter carefully in my pocket and went off to find Daisy.

                                                                         *          *         *

Daisy was in the school hallway, talking to Lavinia, Kitty and Beanie. "Daisy!" I cried. "There's another murder for us to investigate!" 

  "Shhhh, not so loud Hazel!" said Daisy furiously. 

  "Oh, sorry." My cheeks flushed. 

  "A murder again?" continued Daisy. 

  "Yes. Alexander and George only found out and sent a letter to me." As I passed her the letter, she gave me a look of incredulity. The other Detective members crowded around Daisy, also reading the letter.

  Once they had all finished reading the letter, Daisy addressed everyone. "This is brilliant! Yes, Hazel, go back upstairs at once and write a letter back to Alexander saying that we will meet them there. Oh and Lavinia, this is a chance for you to see George again," she added. We all looked at Lavinia. She had gone very still and was not moving at all. There was two bright pink flushes on either side on her cheeks.

  "Lavinia, are you all right?" Kitty waved her hand around Lavinia's head. Lavinia did not blink. We had never seen her like this before. 

  "I think she's in a trance," whispered Beanie fearfully. 

  "Oh don't be silly Beanie," said Daisy, waving her hand around. "She just likes George, that's all." Kitty giggled. 

  "Don't spread it around Kitty," I said. "I don't think Lavinia would like it very much."

   "Oh, I wasn't," Kitty said, but I knew that if I hadn't told her to not spread it around, everybody in the school might as well as know it already.

My Dear Sweet Murder-A Murder Most Unladylike FanficWhere stories live. Discover now