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"Dog training for dummies? Seriously?" Jimin asked, seeing his best friend behind a book for the first time since college. He sits across Jungkook's desk, waiting for a sarcastic answer.

"I need a quick reference to train Bam." Jungkook said, not putting down the book just yet. It's their break time and most employees of this company are out for a quick meal.

"I thought you enrolled Bam to an obedience school? Aren't they supposed to do that for you?" Jimin asked curiously.

"Well yeah, but I need to teach Bam ahead of the others so he can win first place." Scanning through the book, Jungkook doesn't even spare his friend a glance.

"Hmmm... something tells me there's more to this than just winning." Jimin says, suspiciously eyeing him.

Jungkook smirks behind his book, not letting Jimin know what his true intentions are. Yes, he likes winning and always be the best in everything. This is why he leads the design team of this company. His designs always get the clients to sign up.

This isn't his company, yet he works hard for it because he owes his college degree to the founding CEO. He saw his potential as a junior intern a few years back and paid for his college when he was struggling financially.

Funny thing is, he hasn't even met the CEO up to this day. They said he's a family oriented man and prefers to work from home. If he was given the chance, he'd want to thank him personally but it's been 4 years since he joined the company and he hasn't met him.

So he channeled his energy to working his ass off to bring this company to where it is now. This is his how he's expressing his gratitude. In return, the CEO never missed providing him with everything he needs and so much more.

His condo, vehicles, luxury clothes, accessories and gadgets are all thanks to this generous CEO. He truly knows how to value a star employee like himself.

Now back to his plan. He wanted to win not for himself, not even for Bam. He was 't really planning on making Bam the star trainee of Purple Paws 🐾 but he sees it as an opportunity to get your undivided attention.

Yes it's sneaky and probably crazy but he couldn't think of any other way. Normally he would just stand there and all the girls are on their feet scrambling to get his attention but that obviously doesn't work for you.

The following week, he was ready to snag the first place so he could go on another bantering session with you.

"Ready to lose?" Jungkook asks you arrogantly as he walks in with Bam. You look at him and made a face that actually sent his heart to the stars. How cute can you be, he thought.

You kneel down to give Bam a good rub and he's loving how you're ruffling his ears and massaging his legs all the way to his tail. "You should do this more often, it really keeps the blood pumping and he loves being touched."

"What makes you think I don't do it?" He snapped back at you.

"Geez, get a grip! I didn't say anything about you not doing it, I just said you should do it more often." You said while giving him a death glare.

This might be the weirdest thing that ever happened to him but how come he's having a great time teasing you? Your glare sets him on fire and the way your lips curl to one side stirs him up.

So Jungkook's game plan of going home with a medal didn't quite happen, neither of you did. You were so preoccupied in ticking each other off that both of you landed on the bottom of the scoreboard.

"You know this is your fault! Miri and I have never been on the losing end until you came in." You confront him at the shared locker room while Miri and Bam sat on one corner together, glancing from you and Jungkook like watching a tennis match.

"Me? I didn't do anything! This is entirely your fault. You've been busting my parenting skills since I got here that I can't concentrate on winning!" He answers back while getting a few stuff in Bam's locker.

"Is this what it is to you? Winning?" You snapped at him.

Somehow, Jungkook finds it hot. He slams one palm against the locker just beside your ear, startling you. He cages you and looks down to see you eye to eye. "Look, I like winning but I also care about Bam... and you judging me all the time isn't helping."

🐾 "This is going to get messy..."

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