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Three months later...

"No Jungkook! Stay out, I don't want you here!" You get away from him, fuming mad.

"Babe please..." He said pleading. Reaching out to pull you by the hand as he follows you to your room.

"Don't touch me... and don't you call me babe!"

"Please Aera... hear me out first." He tries to ask for a chance but you've had enough.

"I said don't touch me!" You lie on your side of the bed and started crying.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to go behind your back..."

"But you did!... Get out! I don't want you here!" You snapped at him mercilessly.

Jungkook stepped out of of the room and went over to the kitchen. He dialed a number he never knew he'd call. A few rings after, the other line was picked up. "Dad, I'm sorry to call you this late but I really need your help."

"Okay son, I'll be right there." Mr. Yeun replied.

It didn't take long for your dad to get to your place. Jungkook quickly told him the situation and he gave out a deep sigh.

"Don't worry, I'll go talk to her." He said reassuringly.

"Thanks dad..." Jungkook said with a weak smile.

"Oh, you may want to call Namjoon... if this doesn't work, I'm sure he'll know what to do." Your dad suggested as he taps Jungkook's shoulder before going to your room.

"Aera... can I come in?" You hear your dad's voice behind the door and you get more pissed at Jungkook, knowing he did this.

"Dad?..." You choked from crying.

"Hey kid..." Your dad went up to you and sat by your side on the bed. "Are you okay?"

"No I'm not dad. Jungkook made you come here didn't he?" You asked him with annoyance in your tone.

"Hey, he's just so concerned about you. Do you know how much it takes from him to call me and ask for help?" Your dad asked. He's right, Jungkook is not the type to just ask for help.

"You need to let go of them kid.. It's not like you're giving them away, you're actually giving them a better shot at life by having good people take care of them."

"I'm not saying you can't offer a good life for them but having them all here, sharing your attention is not better than giving them to people who can give each of them full attention."

"But their family dad... we don't turn family away." You said between sobs.

"Jungkook is our family too and right now you're being unfair to him. He just wants what's best for all of us." He said in a firm tone.

After your dad left, you just sat there feeling a bit guilty. He's been too sweet in the past months, taking care of the new pups, not having enough sleep to help feed them since Miri can't supply much milk.

In a few minutes you hear another familiar voice. "Aera? Are you decent?" Namjoon asked and slides through the door covering his eyes. "You know I'm not interested right?"

You chuckle softly and threw a pillow at him, hitting his face. "Ouch! You're evil!"

He gets a chair and sits in front of you. "So... want to tell me why your dad, Jin, Hobi, Jimin and I can't be suitable parents to the pups?"

Jungkook actually told you that they already agreed to take in Miri's pups. He said it was the best setup since you are close to these people so the two of you can visit the pups anytime you want. You however, acted all STUPID and went Godzilla on him.

"It's nothing like that..." You said sounding frustrated.

"Then tell me, because right now that's the only thing that makes sense."

"I'm stupid right?" You ask your best friend.

"Pretty much... yeah!" He says chuckling.

"I'm so sorry... I just don't want them out of my sight.... I though we could wait a little more before they leave."

"Honey, the longer you wait, the harder it gets to let them go." Namjoon pointed out.

"But they're still babies..." You whined.

"Have you seen them? They're almost as tall as their dad! How are you suppose to give them the best care if they're as gigantic as Bam? Remember, we're talking of 5 of them growing up all at the same time Aera!"

"Yes... I know... I'm so sorry..." You finally caved.

"Tell that to your boyfriend. He's been nothing but sweet and kind to you and the pups. He doesn't deserve any attitude especially coming from you." Namjoon said.

"Oh god I've said so many awful things to him..." You cover your face with both hands, breathing out deeply.

"I think your dad and I better go, I'm sensing rounds and rounds of makeup sex tonight." Namjoon blurted out.

You hit him on the arm and he just acts all dramatic! "Ouch! This is why I don't like women, it's because of you!" He says fake crying. "I don't know how Jungkook does it..."

"He's a saint..." you reply with a chuckle.

He stood up and before leaving through the door looks over to you and says, "I'll go get your daddy."

"I already talked to dad..." You replied looking confused.

"Your other daddy..." he says with a naughty smile that sent you giggling and throwing another pillow to his head.

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