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"Good afternoon sir!" Jungkook greets your dad as he sees him in their private lounge.

"Hey kid..." Mr. Yeun reached out to pat Jungkook's arm. "Great to see you again."

"Is it okay to talk to you here?" Jungkook asked, looking a bit nervous.

"Sure, what is it about?" He folded the newspaper and let it settle on the seat next to him, as he gives Jungkook his undivided attention.

"I... I was thinking if you would agree... if I ask Aera to marry me next year... during spring." Jungkook asked in a low tone, trying to sound formal.

"Why are you asking me, when you should be asking her." Mr. Yeun said teasingly before breaking into a loud chuckle.

"Well sir, I would really appreciate to have your blessing." Jungkook said in a confused tone.

"Kid, didn't I ask you to date my daughter in the first place? I wouldn't have considered asking you if I didn't want you to end up getting married. You had my blessing long before you even asked." Your dad says, leaning forward to pat Jungkook's hand.

At this point, tears are starting to form on the corner of Jungkook's eyes. He couldn't believe he'd be openly accepted by the same man who he owes his career to.

Your dad got up and Jungkook went to his side to give him a respectful bow. The moment he stood, Mr Yeun was right in front of him, giving Jungkook a warm, fatherly hug. "Take good care of her, son."

"Kook! Where are you?!" Your panicked voice made Jungkook stood from his chair, leaving a dumbfound Jimin talking to himself about a project proposal.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked, getting his jacket and fishing his car keys in his pocket, ready to rush to you in a heartbeat.

"Miri's in labor... Please, I can't do this alone..." You're tearing up at the sight of Miri laying on her bed, in pain.

"I'll be right there! Hang on babe, okay?" He said with urgency in his tone, gesturing for Jimin to take over while he bailed. 

As he went out to the basement parking to get his car, tires screeching got his full attention. Namjoon lowered his window and gestured for Jungkook to hop in. "Get in the back."

He didn't hesitate and climbed over at the back of his truck. He was startled to see Jin seated on the passenger's seat. "Hey guys, thanks for this." 

"No problem, we need all the help we can get." Namjoon says, subtly looking over to Jin's side.

"Aera?!... Jungkook sprints to where Miri was and saw you sitting on the floor with a yawning little pup in your arms. Wrapped in a sterile cloth, you kept the pretty little sucker by the heater.

Jungkook quickly sat next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist while he peeks at the little pup from behind. He reaches out a hand and gently stroke the pup's forehead with a finger. 

"She's so beautiful..." You whispered.

Jungkook laid his chin on your shoulder and kisses the side of your cheek. "Of course she is..."

Jin and Namjoon got to work as the next pup came. Jin takes the sterile cloth and rubbed it gently on the cute little thing. "It's a boy!"

Jin scoots over near the heater and continued wiping off the moisture to keep him warm. Namjoon on the other hand waits for the next pup while Jungkook gets some supplies ready.

One by one, Miri gave birth like a champ to all 5 healthy puppies, four boys and one girl. You pat on Miri's forehead and she just laid there resting. Jungkook was busy cleaning up the birthing spot while both Jin and Namjoon feed the puppies carefully since Miri needed time to rest before breastfeeding. 

Bam is finally allowed to get inside and the moment he saw Miri, he ran over to her side and licked her face lovingly.

"Bam, Miri needs to rest... come here, let's see your pups." Jungkook says, luring Bam to come to him. He went to his Daddy Koo and the moment he saw his own little pups, he whined and got all giddy. He started licking their faces, circling around them looking excited.

That night, Namjoon and Jin volunteered to stay the night and keep a close watch on the puppies. You couldn't thank them enough for doing such a sweet thing. Miri was still weak from giving birth and she needed all the help she could get.

"Here, I hope these are okay?" You handed the comforters and pillows to Namjoon who's been acting a little strange since he got there this afternoon. You know him all your life and right now you feel like he wanted to tell you something, alone in your room out of earshot from the others. 

He's just sitting there on the edge of your bed, not sparing a glance at you. "Okay, you're kind of creeping me out here."

He gives out a long deep sigh before finally lifting his head to meet your gaze. "I like him."

"Jin?... You asked looking dumb.

"No, Jungkook!... Of course I'm talking about Jin!" He said in exasperation.

You dropped to his side and lean your head on his shoulder. "My Joonie is all grown up!" You faked crying.

"I'm serious Aera..." He says in frustration.

"Sorry, I just had to do that... I'm so happy for you!" You hug him sideways and he just lets out another deep sigh. "What's wrong? Shouldn't we be giggling over this instead?"

"I'm not sure if he likes me back... you know, as in like me the same way." He says with a worried look.

"Hey, you are amazing... and HOT! There's no way in hell he won't like you back." You tell him honestly with an encouraging nudge.

"You think so?" He asked with a weak smile.

"If he doesn't, then make him see how amazing you are. Don't just give up without a fight!" You encouraged him some more.

"Was it like that with you and Jungkook? I mean, did he win you over like that?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"Sort of... I hated him at first and you're well aware of that...  but after getting rid of his obsession over winning and revealing his true self, I instantly fell for him." You said in a dreamy state. "So just be your wonderful self around him and everything else will follow... I guarantee you, he'd be a fool not to like you, at least." 

"Thanks... I'll keep that in mind..." He hugs you back tightly and you're just so happy Namjoon finally revealed his true self to you without a morsel of hesitation. You're so proud of him and you're wishing in your head that everything turns out great with him and Jin. 


🐶 "Puppies... they make our hearts soft... aghhh..."

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