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"Hey babe, I called Mr. Jung and he has 2 service dogs in the shelter. I'll check them out after work." Jungkook said from the other line.

"Okay Kookie, thank you for doing this... and everything else." You replied sweetly.

Jungkook has been too sweet running errands for you and Miri. Making arrangements with the Vet, getting her supplements, taking you and Miri for walks and cooking for you every time he's sleeping over.

"Thank me tonight... in bed... with nothing on." He teases you shamelessly.

"Stop saying that in your workplace Jeon!" You scolded him, feeling your cheeks flush at the mere thought of someone else hearing him.

"Don't worry I'm in the secret lounge, no one ever comes here, remember?" He says with a chuckle and just like on cue, Mr. Yeun appeared through the glass door. Spotting Jungkook, he gave out a quick wave.

"You look happier now kid." Mr. Yeun said teasingly. "Young love surely hits the right spot every time." He says with a wide grin.

"Ahhh yes sir. I couldn't agree with you more." Jungkook replied with a chuckle.

"I must say though, I thought of introducing you to my daughter but I guess it's too late. I would hate to complicate things for you especially now that you're obviously happy with her." Mr. Yeun says, raising his cup to Jungkook as if giving a toast.

"Thank you sir... I'm really flattered you considered introducing me to your daughter. She must be very lovely." Jungkook replied courteously before taking another sip of his drink.

"Ohhh she's stubborn as a bull, just like her mother. I'm actually doing you favor by not introducing you." He laughs out loud. The old man showing his softer side, talking about her only daughter.

"At least she sounds interesting to me."

"Perhaps you have a friend or enemy you can recommend?" Mr. Yeun asked, surprising Jungkook in the process. He thought he was only trying to make a conversation about family, but he was indeed looking for someone to introduce to her daughter.

"Actually, I think I have a friend in mind."

"Hey Kook! Great to see you." Hobi greeted his childhood friend as Jungkook gets off his car.

"Hyung, it's been while huh?" Jungkook greeted his longtime friend with a big hug.

Hobi and Jungkook have been best friends since elementary school. He was there during the rough times when Jungkook's parents passed away and he had to live with relatives who miserably failed in taking good care of him.

Jungkook had a difficult college life and had to shuffle multiple jobs just to support himself financially. Then his biggest break came during an internship he almost failed to show up to due to exhaustion from work.

At first, Jungkook was bullied into making reports he wasn't suppose to do. He allowed it one time but the following times didn't feel right anymore. Being the smart ass kid, he made the project proposal of a major client so complicated with codes only he knew. His supervisor failed presenting it and he was eventually asked to do it in his place.

He knew every detail of the project that he didn't have a hard time presenting it. His superior came clean and gave him the credit he rightfully deserved. The news spread like wildfire in the company that an intern made a presentation that landed a major project.

The CEO was also impressed and despite not having met the young intern in person, he still offered to compensate him with a big amount, but Jungkook was wiser for his age. He opted to ask the company to pay for his college instead and hire him when he graduates.

Four years after, he now leads the same department and is handsomely compensated for his hard work and leadership.

"This guy is Yeontan and that one over there is Holly." Hobi said as he gestured to a cute Pomeranian and Toy Poodle. Jungkook can't believe service dogs can be cute. He always had a notion that they should be big and look intimidating like Bam or Miri.

Hobi walked Jungkook through the process of adoption and not long after, they talked about you. Jungkook spoke about you so proudly that Hobi couldn't help but let out a chuckle each time his younger friend blushed. He never knew the day would come when his dear friend finally finds the person who can complete him.

"So, when can I meet her?" Hobi asked eagerly.

"I'll bring her with me tomorrow so she can sign the papers herself." Jungkook said.

"Then it's a date! I can't wait to meet her." Hobi said with a big grin plastered on his face.

"Actually hyung, there's someone else I'd like you to meet... on a real date." Jungkook said with a mischievous smile on his face.


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