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Jungkook was searching for you online while having a quick coffee break. Last weekend, when he dropped you off your apartment complex, he didn't get to ask for your number. He's not used to this setup, normally a girl asks for his number and never the other way around.

He likes spending a few minutes of alone time in this newfound office lounge he discovered over a few months ago. No one ever comes here except for a couple of department heads he got to meet in company gatherings.

He's still searching for anything he could find to probably know you more and see if he can contact you through your social media. His eyes were glued to his phone's screen that he didn't notice someone coming.

"You look busy. I thought this is your alone time lounge?" The old man says as he sat right across Jungkook, holding a cup of his usual afternoon tea.

"Mr. Yeun, it's been a while. How are you?" He was about to stand but opted to bow instead when the old man gestured for him to sit back.

"Oh you know... Annual health checks are getting longer these days. It's my first week back." He said in reply.

"But it's for your own good so I guess it's okay, at least you got to have an extended vacation." He said with a chuckle.

"Ahhh yes... anything new in your turf?" He says before sipping his tea.

"We closed a big deal last week, another Japan company." He says, not looking so proud like he used to.

The old colleague across him can sense the distraction in his eyes. "You have something else in your mind..."

"Ahh yes... nothing escapes you." He answered with a smile.

"When you get to my age, every small detail counts... So tell me about her, does she work here too?" He probed, as he shifts his gaze from Jungkook to the phone he's holding.

"No, we met at my dog's training school."

"So what did you like in her?" He asked bluntly.

Jungkook's eyes seemed bigger as he thought of the many things he likes about you. "She's different... in a good way." He chuckles a bit seeing his senior colleague getting all interested in him.

"That's excatly what drew me to my wife..." He smiles more widely, reminiscing about her who he suddenly misses. "So, where are you at?"

"Nothing much to tell really... I think she doesn't see me the way I see her." Jungkook rubs his hand on his nape and gives out a deep sigh.

"Then she must be blind... how can she not see a successful man with good looks and great personality like you? Unless... she already has a man."

"Ahhh, at first I thought she has one but it was all a misunderting... but still, I think she's not interested in me." Jungkook says in a low voice.

"That's why you're more attracted to her. Men tend to like getting what they can't easily get... we live for the challenge."

"Could be, but I really think she's great. Even if she showed interest in me, I guess I'll still want her." Jungkook confesses.

"Then go get what you want!" He says before making a final sip of his tea.

You're staring at the Namsan Tower through the glass wall as you stroke the paint brush on a blank canvas infront of you. Painting has become your fallback since you quit your first job due to health reasons.

This room in your apartment is your sanctuary. The only place you felt safe during those difficult times when you had several bouts of seizure. Although you had to return home back then, you still managed to keep this place and visit once in a while to continue your underrated works of art, as Namjoon puts it.

You weren't an art major back in college but you always had this innate skill in painting. Your doctors actually agreed on pursuing it since they thought it could help calm your mind. Indeed it has helped you through the bad times. Your art is something you can leave behind and come back to anytime.

You've been painting for hours and you could've continued if it weren't for your grumbling tummy. It's way past lunch and you're wondering how come Miri hasn't looked for you since this morning.

"Miri? Baby... Where are you?" You called out for her but you got no response. You're suddenly alarmed seeing Miri curled up in the couch, not moving.

You get down on your knees to face her and stroke her head gently. "Hey baby... what's wrong huh?" You ask her, to which she didn't even flinch.

You gently rub her back and that's when she lifted her head to look at you. She looked tired and very weak. You went to the kitchen to get her water and you're surprised she hasn't even touched her food.

🐾 "Thank you for reading my book... I hope you're enjoying it so far." 😬

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