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It's been almost one year of no seizure episodes. You've been convincing your dad and Jungkook to let you go back to work.

You've been wanting to go back and you feel like this is the best time to do it. Your latest battery of tests turned out unremarkable and your doctors are giving you the clearance to finally work.

You're also allowed to go alone without Holly or Miri since you're now part of an advanced clinical trial that made you wear a state of the art monitoring device. This clip on gadget can detect your body's overall stress activity and can accurately predict a future attack.

So after weeks of convincing both protective men  in your life, you're finally allowed to join the workforce in your dad's company.

You went through the strict company policy on hiring new employees and thankfully, you got the job. Standing by the elevator, you can't wait to surprise Jungkook with a visit since he has no idea you're there.

He's been so busy in the past days for an important project pitch, that he's been leaving home really early and coming back late.

You tapped on the 7th floor button and waited patiently in your place.

"Excuse me, are you new to the company?" A tall young man standing nearby asked.

You nodded and gave him a weak smile. "Yes."

"Are you joining the Architectural Department? You'll really like it there, the staff is warm and friendly." He tells you further.

"I'm not yet sure." You replied as the elevator door suddenly opened. Stepping out, you still hear his voice trailing from behind.

"How rude of me not to introduce myself, I'm Luke by the way." He said, sticking out his hand for you, but you didn't notice so you just continued walking.

"Good morning, I would like to see Mr. Jeon please?" You tell the lady by Jungkook's office.

"I'm sorry but Mr. Jeon is in a conference. May I know your name and your purpose of meeting with him?" She asked, looking at you expectantly.

"I'm... Aera." You hesitated a little.

"Ms. Aera?... Oh, I... It's really good to see you... "I'm Kim, Byeol..." She bowed her head to you and smiled knowingly. You've been in constant contact with her since Jungkook instructed her to always patch your calls through, no matter what.

She eventually got the idea that you're someone really special to Jungkook especially when she kind of caught him calling you babe. It wasn't at all her fault since the bunny shamelessly did it while she was still on the other line.

"Hi Ms. Kim, it's really nice to finally meet you in person." You reach out a hand and she happily accepted to shake it.

"Does Mr. Jeon know you're visiting?"

"No actually, it's a surprise." You replied with a smile.

"Mr. Jeon is in a meeting but I can tell him you're here." She says.

"No that's not necessary. I'll just come back later. Can you give me a call when he gets in?" You asked.

"Of course... Would you like something to eat or drink? I can have food delivered in his office for you."

"That's very nice of you, but I prefer exploring the building." You replied smiling.

It's been a while since you last visited this place. Your dad has totally separated business from family life which is why everyone here doesn't have the slightest clue who you are.

Meanwhile, Jungkook's meeting got a bit longer than expected. Walking over to the pantry to get himself a cup of coffee, he overhears a few employees chatting on their break. He was concealed behind the curtains that separate employees from executives, enjoying his drink unbothered.

"There are new employees in the building." One male employee said.

"I think they hired one or two per department."

"Hey, weren't you talking to one of them a while back? She looks really pretty."

"Yeah, not only that, she's really nice too."

"Looks like you got it bad Luke!" One female employee teases.

Everyone seemed to join in the teasing and Jungkook was about to leave but a familiar voice caught his full attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I thought this was the conference room." You were about to step out but that guy you met at the elevator got up quickly and held on to the door.

"Hey Aera... You're still here..." He greets you, not sure how he got your name though. Probably because he overheard Ms. Kim calling you earlier.

"Yeah, I'll go ahead..." You were about to go out but this guy suddenly blocks the way.

"Mr. Jeon's conference is still on, you can stay here and wait with us." He said while the other people agreed. Now all of them are standing up and offering you a seat.

"Here, you can take my chair..." another young man said while puling his seat to your direction.

"Ohhh it's okay..." You are so overwhelmed by the movement of these young people. One minute they're sitting, the next minute they're everywhere.

"Here, help yourself..." the only young lady in the group offered a cold bottle of water. At this point, you really need one since you're parched from walking around the company.

"Thanks! I'll just take this with me, if that's okay." You quickly slide away and good thing that Luke guy moved or else you may be stuck there longer than you wanted.

"Oh wait, we didn't get to introduce ourselves..." one of them said. "I'm Collin..." He reached out a hand to shake.




"Aera... it's nice to meet you all but I really need to get going... Thanks for this!" You tap the bottle and got out of there before Luke could even offer to accompany you.

"Oh man, you said she was pretty? That's not pretty... she's way above that... like an angel."

"She must be a model or did modeling before this."

"There's no way she's single..."

"I bet she is..."

"What made you so sure?"

"No ring..." Luke said in confidence.

Meanwhile, Jungkook sat in his place looking serious. Poking his cheek with his tongue and trying so hard to stay calm. He was on the verge of bursting out of there but he stood his ground instead.

He's so proud at how you composed yourself around the young employees. You were sweet and kind, yet you weren't a pushover. The same qualities that made him fall for you. What upsets him though, was the fact that you didn't wear your engagement ring to work.

Oh no...

🐾"Yes, he popped the question... A little throwback to that day is UP NEXT!"

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