1-Good Morning

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"Mr stark your meeting starts in ten minutes I recommend you get dressed."Her voice boomed into his room.

She heard a few groans as she shut the door. Walking to the kitchen she poured his coffee into his favorite coffe cup.

Then she cut up some fresh fruit and put it on a platter before leaning against the marble counter with her laptop.

She heard feet. Peter of course Tony Steve and Clint. Everyone else were on missions. "Good morning Honey." She sighed.

"Good morning Peter." After eleven years she got used to calling everyone by name. Of course it was just new.

She never really liked it."Morning Honey." Steve greeted but he was tired for once. Usually he was an early bird.

"Good Morning Steve." Last was Tony he was fixing his button up and had his usual tired look on his face.

"Coffee is on the table with some fruit your meeting starts in less then five minutes." She says typing away at her computer.

Tony sighed and grabbed his coffee before going to the elevator. Peter sat and ate some fruit while Steve and Clint sipped their coffee.

"Natasha Wanda James and Thor should finish their missions by this evening." She says before sipping her own coffe.

Peter smiled."Will you be eating dinner with us this time?" She looked over and sighed."I have work to do."

Peter frowned."But since you are graduating from college I will do as you wish this once." She says before leaving the room.

Peter smiled."You know this will be the first time in three years." Steve says looking over to Peter.

"Yup and im excited maybe she might even answer some of my questions for once." Clint chuckled.

Peter rolled his eyes."You know how she is about her personal business Peter." He huffed.

"Shes worked here for eleven years and I've known her for five. I want to know at least her favorite colour."

Steve kissed his forehead and got up."Good luck with that." Peter groaned as Steve left out of the kitchen.

Honey put a hand on her chin as she typed on her laptop. She was currently standing in the elevator waiting for it to stop.

When the doors opened she walked to her desk. It was in a room next to Tony's. Running a hand through her hair she continued to type.

Feeling a tingling in her neck she knew Tony's meeting had finished. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath.

Then she went back to typing. It always was like this. Get up get dressed work wake everyone up tell Tony his meetings to the last minute and work.

She never even though to care for her self. She didn't need to. Of course she also had a routine.

She didn't fit in her routine. Even if her routine consisted of the same thing over and over.

It was healthy. And if it was healthy who was she to change it?

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