9-Keep It

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I felt my body go still when I saw what I made. At that moment I wanted to throw it off the roof.

Snapping in a pattern I take a deep breath. "Your finished?" Peter's voice made me jump. Looking over I smile.

But I could see the concern in his eyes. Fuck I needed to get my shit together. "Yes." He went to look so I brought it in his view.

"Wow it's incredible ill have to have this framed are you gonna keep it-" I was quick to cut him off.

"Keep it." Not out of love for him. Or because I had planned it out. But because I was afraid.

Afraid of what would come if he saw it. Though I would never admit it to the glowing boy in front of me.

"Really?" He asked his voice already carrying an excited tone."It's all yours." I say getting up.

"Oh, you can't leave now! We have to show everyone!" Peter said excitedly. I stood and nodded my face stoic.

I could not break apart. I needed to be solid. I've been too emotional lately. Emotions bring nothing but trouble.

Trouble always brought bruises. And bruises were never fun. Peter picked up the dried paintings and grinned.

Then he took my hand and started running to the elevator making me run as well. I let out a giggle.

I know I shouldn't have. I know I should keep my emotions in check. But Peter always brought the good out of me.

Ever since we met. He looked back at me with the biggest smile on his face. I never really made noises like that.

So he most likely was ecstatic. I started to nervously tap my fingers on the hard cold metal of the elevator.

Usually, I was busy right about now. But im sure Tony cleared my schedule for the painting with Peter.

He always was curious about me. My file in his words 'too clean to be real.' I had no secrets.

I didn't even work for shield before coming to work for Tony. A blank slate. At first, he tried to sleep with me.

But once I didn't break he actually took me seriously and gave me a real job. Not just one so he sees what's under my clothes.

Though now im sure his curiosity is more tame. He probably like every other Avenger I met wanted to become friends.

At least that's what I can guess. They've known me for eleven years. I would be interested too.

But when I thought of them I could only believe what I'd heard for so many years. I was used goods.

I would never be good enough. So my curiosity had already died years ago. Because curiosity never brought anything good.

That's when I heard the loud ding of the elevator breaking me from my own thoughts."Guys!"

Peter's loud voice made me slightly flinch. But I easily recovered. Tucking my hands tightly behind my back I smiled sweetly.

Now all I had to do was step out of the elevator and face them.

Now all I had to do was step out of the elevator and face them

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(painting she made don't know the artist my apologies.)

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