2-Three Questions

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I tiredly cooked my hands working steadily as I listen to the music on my earphones. I never was one to sing.

Never quite. Everything was almost ready. Everyone was wrapping their own things up and I was the one left todo the cooking.

Of course, I easily took the task as I did it every day for eleven years. I never even noticed how time flew. It seemed slow.

I started when I was what eighteen? Yes about that age. It was a lot to handle so young. But I made it work.

When it was so long ago it was just me and Tony. I would do what he asked. Usually, it was me cleaning up cooking, and not bothering him.

Which was the worst thing for me. I believe it was because I had just started using my pheromone blocker.

Yes. It burned me every time I used it. Then of course I was emotional. But I've settled in since then.

I've met every avenger and I know all of them quite well. All came to the tower and bonded maybe within the span of five years.

Each at different times. All times I was hurt. Of course, seeing them love for so long. But I've learned to live with it.

I never quite was able to grasp my ability to be good enough for them. So I decided not to reveal myself.

Even if I do regret it some days. Keeping contact was the hardest thing. Keep my composure try not to run off when Tony brought females home.

Me having to sometimes even escort them out. Stirring the pot I turned it off. Mostly I kept to myself.

Minimized skin to skin. I didn't want to become attached. Though Peter was relentless.

He really wanted to know more. Ever since he was eighteen the first time he met me. Putting out the plates I then started fixing the bowls of food.

And of course what he asked. Chicken pot pie with a side of veggies and rice. Then the dessert would be his favorite.

Cheesecake. Hanging up my apron I fix my skirt. It reached to maybe three inches above my knees.

Then of course my nylon stockings and black button-up. My hair was always braided and in a loose bun. I also had my curly bangs that hung just at the top of my glasses

As I took out the drinks everyone came in. They seemed fresh out of the shower. Though when I saw Natasha and Bucky I felt a hard pulsating feeling.

Most likely from not being bonded and them being so far. I simply gave a smile. Once everyone was seated with drinks I sat.

Peter smiled."You stayed." I nodded my head before fixing myself a small portion of rice and veggies.

"Can I have three questions?" My eyes look at Peter. Then I let out a soft sigh."Okay in honor of your graduation."

Peter proceeded to grin. I felt my mark pulsate and I had to hold back a wince."Go on." I said my hands rested in my lap.

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