31-Grey Skies

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Something about the way linoleum piled up on the floor as she leaned back made her sigh.

Was it real? Was she dreaming? She didn't know. She just knew she hated to imagine the strain of colors when they hit the sky.

Or when the rain hit the sidewalk. She hated it because it ruined what was already there. Adding more for no apparent reason.

She hated the sky. Though she had no reason to. She did. Maybe her hate was because it was the only thing untouched by humanity.

Really untouched. For something to come out as unscathed as the sky it would have to be a miracle.

For even she had not gone untouched by humanity and the evils that sat within. Though she was not a Christian.

She didn't believe in God. She didn't believe humanity could ever be loved by something. For she hated it.

She hated the way she was used and abused by the one thing she thought loved her. She hated that she let it happen.

She hated that she was depended on by everyone that seemed to torture her every day.

Though she realized that she can only hate herself. For she was the reason for humanity's cruelty.

Karma. It had to be. Because the way she existed she must have caused it to happen. There was no way she was innocent.

Had she deserved it? Maybe. Though as her eyes looked up towards the raining sky coffee long forgotten by her hand she laid there.

Was she enough? Would she ever be enough? She began to feel stressed. Everyone was dependent on her.

She never had a shoulder to lean on. No one ever helped her...and when they did it was too late.

They'd want something in return. Though what could she give them? She had nothing left.

Her soul was fragmented into the world around her. Moments ruined and body broken. What was she worth?

What was she worth now in a world that only judged her? Perhaps it was the only thing unbroken.

Her heart. Unscathed untouched by humanity. Only ever reserved for the people who only hated themselves.

Too busy caught in their self loathing to feel for her. Maybe she was nothing but her heart. Though soon she was sure it would be destroyed by humanity to.

So what could she do? Age gracefully and let it wither away? Though as she felt the rain soak into her clothes.

It all felt to real. The silence was loud. Though her own thoughts were louder. She stood her hands raking through her hair.

What did she want? No one had ever asked her. They never really cared enough to ask. Though was she looked at the world around her.

Seemingly the most beautiful thing she had ever seen she smiled. She looked at the rain soaked ground.

She knew what she wanted. She wanted to feel wanted loved. She wanted peace. Though as she gazed at the sky one last time.

She realized there was only way to achieve that and it was not by living.

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