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"Im gonna clear her." Fury looked over to the women in surprise."Really from these notes-"

"She's..gonna be fine from our session I can see she's starting to realize what he did wasn't right. She just needs her own time to heal."

Fury crossed his arms."How is working gonna help?" Cathleen crossed one leg over the other.

"She views working as a coping mechanism im pretty sure. So if we let her do what she's been doing without the constant abuse-"

"Did she mention ever getting back with Luke?" Fury asked distastefully."No, she seemed very withdrawn from the idea of getting back with him."

"Okay, where is she now?" "In her new apartment sir." Fury sighed."Ill email Tony shell be returning today."

Cathleen nodded before leaving through the door.


"Welcome back Miss Honey." Friday's voice was like music to my ears."Just Camille Friday."

I say walking down the familiar hallway. Opening the door I smile."Good morning everyone Mr stark your meeting is in fifteen minutes."

As my voice echoed through the room I heard a few groans. But then I noticed something. I was tackled in a hug.

Peter was hugging me thankfully fully dressed. Joggers and a pair of pants on. "Goodmorning to you to Peter."

I say closing the door behind us. Though I felt my shoulder get wet."I missed you so much." I gently rubbed his back.

Though I felt something as I did so. Guilt. "I missed you too but I have to prepare breakfast."

I say but he didn't budge. "Peter." He looked up at me eyes red and glossy."Please don't scare me like that again."

I kissed his forehead."You have my word." He then stepped away. I took his hand."Come on ill make some tea."

I mutter starting to walk to the kitchen. Peter followed. Though as we walked. I felt my heart slowly beat in my chest.

Did I really scare Peter that much as to have him cry on my shoulder? Did my own pain hurt him so much that he felt his own guilt?

I always thought my own decisions only affected me. I always figured that even if I was the one who hurt others would not have to feel it.

But was I truly in the right to believe I was not only hurting myself but others? Yes. It seems as I've come to care for them.

They also have come to care for me. Even with the small information I've given them. They seem to..have grown love for me.

At least now that I look at it they seemed to be. Had they known all this time. Had they thought of what was happening to me.

Did they come to blame themselves? When I was found on the floor bleeding and bruised...had they blamed themselves?

Had they seen what the therapist wrote? Maybe after all I was being selfish. As after all this time... I hadn't realized.

They loved me.

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