10-Fake It

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Honey's fake smile made the Avengers want to grimace. But they were used to it by now. She never truly shared her emotions.

They never worked out why. Even Wanda never had much luck with seeing inside of her head.

But at the moment they couldn't help but noticed how her fingers touched pointer to thumb in sets of three.

"Wow it's beautiful did you paint it?" Wanda questioned taking the painting marveling at it.

On the inside, she was hoping it could give her insight if Honey did paint it. Peter shook his head.

"Honey painted it I didn't believe she would paint at all at first. But she's very good at it."

Honey tilted her head soft smile displayed on her lips. Wanda froze at the sight. Honey was never one for such displays.

Though it was gone when her phone rang replaced with her usually stoic look. Though as the woman looked at the name Wanda felt it.

Fear. Almost consuming. But her face remained stoic as she walked away to talk not wishing to be impolite.


My hands shook as I answered."Honey Speaking." I already knew it was him. But the fact that he called me terrified me.

He never did. He made it a point to completely ignore me unless we are in public or he's hitting me.

I wanted to know what I did. Whatever it was. I thought he was happy. We were going steady.

Even last night he kissed me on the forehead after. He never did that."Wendy, I want to know that your at work right now."

I nervously played with the hem of my skirt. I knew I was working but I already felt as if I did something wrong.

"I am Sir I've been here since I left home I apologize if someone told you otherwise." I heard him hum.

"I want you home tonight prepare yourself." Then the line had finished. I felt my chest constrict.

What happened. I could only think of a thousand scenarios. The last time he had ever called me I almost couldn't walk for a week.

Though luckily I was able to push through. "Honey is everything alright." I desperately wanted to scream out.

Though I quickly abandoned the idiotic plan. He loved me I was always one for dramatics. Fixing my skirt I practice a smile.

Then I turned around."Tony of course it was nothing important do you need anything, Sir." Though as the name fell out.

I wanted to throw up. What the hell did I just do? He would surely notice the change in me. Though he just smiled.

"Im glad everything is fine could you join us in the sitting room." I nodded my head. But as I felt the burning in my throat I closed my eyes for a second.

I would not break down. I was fine. Looking up I fix myself and quickly leave to the sitting room.

I had no idea why they wished for me to be in there but I would not say no.

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