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"I hope your studies are well," I say pouring him some tea. He looked at me eyes still tinged red. His cheeks were rosy from the cold air.

"They are...Honey?" I glanced over to him as I put a few sugar cubes into his teacup."Call me Camille Peter."

Pete's cheeks became a bit redder as I stirred his teacup."C-Camille what did you go to college for?"

I smiled it was small but it was filled with nostalgia."I went to college for business economics."

Taking out his spoon I stuck it in my mouth and licked off the remaining tea before putting it in the sink.

"Though after my first year I fell in love with it and got a doctorate in that then Biochemistry mechanics..of course, I've picked up a few more."

Peter took a sip from his teacup."How many more?" He asks curiously."Engineering and Mathematics."

I answer pulling out some muffins from the oven. "Wow your really smart." I look over."Thank you but your brilliant Peter never forget that."

I say putting a muffin in front of him. He smiled at me before taking a bite of the Banana muffin.

Taking out some mugs I make my own filling it with coffee."Do you need any help with homework?"

I question. He looked at me surprised."If you could that would be great." He says smiling. I laughed at the muffin on his face.

Grabbing a towel I leaned forwards."You can't just shove it down your throat." I mutter ignoring the dazed look on his face.

Leaning back I hear footsteps. Going to my laptop I start typing. Though as I did I felt my face form a smile.

I liked this a lot more than before. For some reason...I don't really care about the stupid facade I worked so hard for.

Smiling and laughing was so much better than having to be stoic and stiff all the time. I could let my body relax.

It felt..nice. Humming as I typed I played some soft music through the kitchen speakers.

My hair was left in a loose bun curls framing my face. Then I had a brown jumper on with long flared-out legs.

Underneath a dark tan jumper with two gold chains layered over. Today I wore my glasses because I couldn't find my contacts.

Then my favorite pair of brown boots to top it all off. I dressed comfortably but professional.

Though it was much different than my normal grays whites and blacks

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Though it was much different than my normal grays whites and blacks. Brown was much softer.

Soon I heard quiet chatter. "Goodmorning everyone Tony your meeting is in 3-""Cancel my meetings for today."

I sigh and then I go over to my laptop. Once I finished I looked over to Mr Stark."Well then I've made coffee and muffins."

Walking over I start pouring mugs of coffee. Then I feel it tension. Turning around I tilt my head.

"Is everyone alright?" I question setting down mugs of coffee.

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