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Truama always was interesting to Camille. Especially how it took its toll on others and herself.

Though specifically Bucky. His backstory was tragic. After being traumatized by the war, then captured by Hydra.

Any good memories he could attach to from before the war were made to be even more traumatic.

Especially after they wiped him over and over. Causing his own comfortability within his private memories to dissipate.

Only leaving the darkness of dissociation and hyper aware tendencies. Its funny. Because Camille found herself able to...understand him.

Which made it easier to help him. Well if he would let her.

At the moment she was pinning him against the bed restraining him from killing her. His brute strength was nothing to mess with.

Though she was able to take him down with her added weight. She guessed he took some form of tranquilizer before sleep.

Maybe it make it easier to deal with him when he was in this state. It made her sad that he dealt with this alone.

He struggled against her grip but she waited him out. It took a while before he was looking up at her.

"Honey?" He questioned now noticing how she had him pinned."Im sorry James I has to pin you, you had another episode."

He was quiet."Did I..hurt you?" She shook her head."Dont feel guilty..im not new to dealing with anything like this. I'm going to make us some tea."

He was quiet as she got up and disappeared from his vision. Leaving him to lay alone and look at the ceiling.

No matter how many times she told him not to feel guilt it always built up inside of him. He wasn't made to forgive himself.

He just figured he deserved it. He killed many innocent people. Some of which he had no recollection of.

That's what broke him. He couldn't remember the people he killed. When he deserved to hold that trauma.

Even despite his own attempts at trying to find out Camille was always a step ahead of him.

So far he only knew of a few one being Tony Stark's parents. His own Soulamate. Who hated him.

Many of them hated him or viewed him as a monster. Well except for Peter,
Steve and Camille.


Camille looked at the cup of tea. The sugar foaming at the top as she looked at the black marble.

James was sitting across from her."What would you do if I were gone?" Camille questioned.

Her eyes looking off into the dark grey skies behind James.

Looking at her James was quiet."Why would you ask that question?" She bit her lip."I don't know just curious."

He closed his eyes."Everyone would fall apart. Because the ones who knew you were their soulmate wouldn't be able to cope..

The others who would find out after you were gone they would blame themselves. Though I think Peter would take it the hardest."

Camille closed her eyes a sigh passing through her lips.

"Ill never be able to leave."

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